
Multiple Session Announcements and Calls for Abstracts
Scientific Committee on Antarctic Research Open Science Conference
16-19 July 2012
Portland, Oregon

Abstract submission deadline for all sessions:
Wednesday, 15 February 2012

  1. Antarctic Education, Outreach, and Training

  2. Changing Poles: Challenges to Antarctic and Arctic Communities
    and Institutions

  3. Decadal Time Scale Variability in the Antarctic and Southern Ocean
    Climate System

  1. Antarctic Education, Outreach, and Training

Organizers of a session entitled 'Antarctic Education, Outreach, and
Training' announce a call for abstracts. The session will be convened at
the Scientific Committee on Antarctic Research (SCAR) Open Science
Conference, scheduled for 16-19 July 2012 in Portland, Oregon.

With increased attention on the changing polar regions, effective
science education, outreach, and communication need to be higher
priorities within the scientific and policy communities. To help
increase the effectiveness of outreach and to help stimulate new efforts
among Antarctic researchers, SCAR programs and groups, and partner
organizations, this session will bring together examples of capacity
building, education, outreach, and communication efforts of researchers,
educators, communicators, and others involved with Antarctic knowledge
transfer and dissemination. Organizers particularly encourage
presentations that not only share experiences, but also include the
lessons learned and advice for others interested in developing similar

In addition to session presentations, the session will hold a panel
discussion on what can be done to continue the education and outreach
momentum from the International Polar Year and how we can benefit from
the many lessons learned to continue to inspire science outreach
efforts, improve planning, enhance self-evaluation, and capitalize on
the current elevated interest in the Antarctic region and its global
connections. SCAR plays an important role in Antarctic capacity
building, education, and training through the Capacity Building,
Education, and Training committee and other efforts.

Abstract submission deadline for all sessions:
Wednesday, 15 February 2012.

For further information on the conference or to submit an abstract,
please go to:

For questions, please contact:
Jenny Baeseman
Email: jbaeseman [at]

  1. Changing Poles: Challenges to Antarctic and Arctic Communities
    and Institutions

Organizers of a session entitled 'Changing Poles: Challenges to
Antarctic and Arctic Communities and Institutions' announce a call for
abstracts. The session will be convened at the Scientific Committee on
Antarctic Research (SCAR) Open Science Conference, scheduled for 16-19
July 2012 in Portland, Oregon.

This session invites papers that look at the social science and
humanities aspects of climate change issues in the polar regions. As
environments are changing, human communities and institutions are forced
to adapt their social practices, cultural and institutional norms and
processes, and, in the Arctic, ways of making a living. These adaptive
processes do not happen in isolation but are the result of complex
interactions among community structure, ecological and economic
vulnerability, and social capital and institutions. While there is
certainly something to be learned from failure, this session will focus
on positive examples of responding to change, in order to better
understand what enables polar communities and institutions to turn
challenges into opportunities. From a governance perspective, this
session will enable us to assess how climate change is portrayed in the
political discourse of Antarctic and arctic institutions and regimes and
whether it affects institutional design and strategic decision-making.

Abstract submission deadline for all sessions:
Wednesday, 15 February 2012.

For further information on the conference or to submit an abstract,
please go to:

For questions, please contact:
Peter Schweitzer
Email: ppschweitzer [at]

  1. Decadal Time Scale Variability in the Antarctic and Southern Ocean
    Climate System

Organizers of a session entitled 'Decadal Time Scale Variability in the
Antarctic and Southern Ocean Climate System' announce a call for
abstracts. The session will be convened at the Scientific Committee on
Antarctic Research (SCAR) Open Science Conference, scheduled for 16-19
July 2012 in Portland, Oregon.

This session invites observational and modeling studies on modes of
large-scale climate variability affecting the Southern Ocean and
Antarctica. Topics include the natural "modes" of the climate system
such as the Madden-Julian Oscillation, the El Nino Southern Oscillation,
atmospheric teleconnection patterns, the Southern Annular Mode, and any
interactions, with an emphasis on decadal scale variability.

Organizers welcome papers on physical and statistical analysis of these
phenomena from observations (including ice core and snow pit proxies),
models, and synthesis/reanalysis products. The impact of these modes on
the ocean (including sea ice) as well as the feedback from the ocean to
the atmosphere on decadal time scales is a central concern.
Additionally, the impact of stratospheric ozone depletion on the coupled
atmosphere-ocean-sea ice behavior is a key issue. Of particular interest
are studies on mechanisms driving these modes, their impacts (including
the rate of heat and carbon uptake in the Southern Ocean and stability
of the West Antarctic ice sheet), and their sensitivity to natural and
anthropogenic forcing on decadal and longer time scales.

Abstract submission deadline for all sessions:
Wednesday, 15 February 2012.

For further information on the conference or to submit an abstract,
please go to:

For questions, please contact:
David H. Bromwich
Email: bromwich [at]