
Request for Input
Arctic Observing Network (AON) Design and Implementation (ADI)
Task Force Community Survey

To participate in the survey, please go to:

For questions, please contact:
Jonathan Pundsack, ARCUS
Email: jonathan [at]

Hajo Eicken, AON ADI Task Force Chair
Email: hajo.eicken [at]

The Arctic Observing Network (AON) Design and Implementation (ADI) Task
Force would like to ask for your help with a brief community survey. The
survey is designed to allow the arctic observing community and other
researchers with an interest in the Arctic Observing Network an
opportunity to provide input for the final ADI Task Force document. It
is envisioned that results from this survey will help to define the
state-of-the-art in terms of an observing network for the Arctic; and
open questions, challenges, and potential directions to pursue in
further research that can inform future AON design and optimization
programs and projects.

The AON Design and Implementation effort provides guidance to the U.S.
National Science Foundation (NSF), the scientific community, and others
engaged in arctic environmental observations on how to achieve a
well-designed, effective, and robust Arctic Observing System.

For the purposes of the survey, the Arctic Observing Network refers to
any coordinated long-term effort supported at the local, regional, or
national level and aimed at tracking, understanding, or responding to
arctic environmental and socioeconomic change. The Arctic Observing
Network is a contribution to the interagency Study of Environmental
Arctic Change (SEARCH) Program. The core aim of SEARCH is to understand
the recent and ongoing complexity of interrelated pan-arctic changes.
These changes are affecting ecosystems, living resources, the human
population, and local and global economic activities.

Three lucky survey participants will win an umbrella featuring a
detailed map of the Arctic. You must provide your contact information to
qualify for the prize. Winners will be randomly selected.

To participate in the survey, please go to:

For more information about SEARCH, please go to:

For more information about AON, please go to:

For more information about ADI, please go to:

For questions, please contact:
Jonathan Pundsack, ARCUS
Email: jonathan [at]

Hajo Eicken, AON ADI Task Force Chair
Email: hajo.eicken [at]