
Multiple Positions Available

  1. University of Alaska Fairbanks seeks Postdoctoral Fellow
    Arctic Environmental Sciences
    Fairbanks, Alaska

  2. University of Alaska Fairbanks seeks Multiple Graduate Students
    Sea Ice Research
    Fairbanks, Alaska

  3. Oregon State University seeks Three Assistant Professors
    High Latitude Studies
    Corvallis, Oregon

  4. Nanjing Institute of Meteorology seeks Multiple Applicants
    Ocean-Atmosphere Science

  1. University of Alaska Fairbanks seeks Postdoctoral Fellow
    Arctic Environmental Sciences
    Fairbanks, Alaska

The Geophysical Institute of the University of Alaska Fairbanks invites
applications for a Postdoctoral Fellow in the field of arctic
environmental sciences. The position will be based in Fairbanks, Alaska,
and may be renewable for a total of at least two years.

The successful applicant will work with the chair of the science
steering committee of the U.S. Interagency Study of Environmental Arctic
Change (SEARCH;, focusing on science
coordination and background research relevant to the program. The
position will allow for time to pursue research in a field relevant to
SEARCH, on a topic that complements existing strengths at the University
of Alaska Fairbanks in sea ice and coastal research, remote sensing, and
the study of social-ecological systems in the North

Applicants must have a PhD degree (already received, or having completed
all requirements and waiting graduation) in a relevant discipline, such
as the geosciences, environmental engineering, biosciences, natural
resource management, political science, or other field relevant to

For a complete job description and application instructions, please go

For questions regarding the position, please contact:
Hajo Eicken
Email: hajo.eicken [at]

For questions regarding applying, please contact:
Farra Smith
Phone: 907-474-5511
Email: farra.smith [at]

  1. University of Alaska Fairbanks seeks Multiple Graduate Students
    Sea Ice Research
    Fairbanks, Alaska

The University of Alaska Fairbanks (UAF) seeks to fill graduate student
positions in sea ice research. The positions will be based in Fairbanks,

Applicants for the PhD program are preferred, but strong applications
for the Master's program will be considered. Applications will also be
considered for topics in sea ice research other than those outlined

  1. PhD Opportunity in Sea Ice Transport and Microstructure Study
    Support is available for a study linking sea-ice transport properties
    (dielectric properties, permeability, etc.) to ice microstructure in an
    interdisciplinary project with colleagues at the University of Utah and
    in New Zealand, with direct applications for remote sensing and the
    development of new sensor systems for polar observing networks. This
    project includes lab work in a state-of-the-art glaciological laboratory
    with opportunities for fieldwork in arctic Alaska. A background in
    (geo)physics, engineering, chemistry, or material science helpful.

  2. PhD Opportunity for Seasonal Ice Zone Observing Network (SIZONet)
    SIZONet is an international effort contributing to the Arctic Observing
    Network and combines geophysical studies of Alaska's changing sea ice
    cover with research meant to provide useful information to various ice
    users. Specific PhD thesis research can address a number of different
    perspectives depending on student interests, ranging from observing
    system and network design to local and regional impacts of climate
    change on sea ice conditions or ice dynamics in coastal environments.
    The project provides funding support for at least three years. A
    background in the physical-environmental sciences or engineering
    combined with an ability to work in an interdisciplinary setting will be

  3. PhD or M.S. Opportunity in Sea Ice Habitat Mapping Study
    Support is available for an interdisciplinary study aimed at
    characterizing sea ice in the context of walrus habitat suitability.
    Project involves fieldwork in Barrow, Alaska as well as ship-based work
    on an icebreaker. Student will be responsible for linking 2-D and 3-D
    surface characteristics with physical ice properties relevant to the
    walrus life cycle. A background in physics/geophysics or is engineering
    desirable. Experience with image processing, computing, or wildlife
    ecology will be an advantage.

For more information on UAF's geophysics graduate studies program please

For further details on the positions, please go to:

Or contact:
Hajo Eicken
Email: hajo.eicken [at]

Andy Mahoney
Email: mahoney [at]

  1. Oregon State University seeks Three Assistant Professors
    High Latitude Studies
    Corvallis, Oregon

As part of the Provost's Faculty Investment Initiative, the College of
Earth, Ocean, and Atmospheric Sciences (CEOAS) at Oregon State
University invites applications for up to three full-time, 12-month,
tenure-track Assistant Professor positions with focus on high latitude
studies. The positions will be based in Corvallis, Oregon.

CEOAS seeks scholars who will develop and maintain a vigorous,
externally funded research program. Areas of interest include
ocean-ice-atmosphere interactions, permafrost/frozen ground processes
and land-atmosphere exchange, biogeochemical cycles, trophic ecology,
climate history from sediments, sea-ice processes, glaciology, and the
use of remote sensing methods for high-latitude research. The positions
will design and teach courses specific to the fields relevant to high
latitude studies, participate in undergraduate and graduate teaching
program, and advise and mentor graduate students and postdoctoral

Applicants must have a PhD in oceanography, atmospheric sciences,
geology, glaciology, or a related field; record of significant and
innovative research in high latitude study; record of peer-reviewed
publications; strong potential teaching excellence; and commitment to
educational equity.

For full consideration, applications must be received by:
Tuesday, 31 January 2012.

For the complete position description or to apply, please find posting
0008415 at:

For additional information, please contact:
Yvette Spitz
Email: yvette [at]
Phone: 541-737-3227

  1. Nanjing Institute of Meteorology seeks Multiple Applicants
    Ocean-Atmosphere Science

The School of Marine Sciences at Nanjing Institute of Meteorology
(NUIST) invites applications for several junior faculty and postdoctoral
positions in ocean-atmosphere science.

The successful candidates are expected to join the teams of Zhaomin Wang
and X. San Liang. Applications are welcome from all backgrounds and any
fields of ocean/atmosphere/climate science, including but not limited
to: numerical modeling, geophysical fluid dynamics, climate science, and
data analysis.

Applications (in English) including a cover letter, a curriculum vita, a
one-page statement of research interests, and the names and contact
information of three references, should be submitted electronically,
with the subject "NUIST Application", to X. San Liang
(sanliang [at]

Application review begins: Wednesday, 1 February 2012.
The positions will remain open until filled.

For further information, please contact:
Zhaomin Wang
Email: zwa [at]