
Multiple Resources Available

  1. Call for Papers
    Special Issue of Ocean Modelling

  2. Newsletter Available
    The Towline
    North Slope Borough Department of Wildlife Management

  3. New Dataset Available
    GlobIce Project

  4. Novelty Calendar Available
    2012 Polar Potties
    Association of Polar Early Career Scientists

  1. Call for Papers
    Special Issue of Ocean Modelling

'Ocean Modelling' announces a special issue that focuses on the
representation of the Arctic Ocean sea ice system in the context of the
large-scale ocean circulation.

The Arctic Ocean has undergone substantial changes in recent years that
go far beyond the well known sea ice retreat. It is thus timely to
examine how changes in the Arctic are represented in ocean models and
how changes in the Arctic Ocean ice system affect the adjacent ocean
regions and the global ocean. 'Ocean Modelling' invites manuscripts that
address issues related to the model representation of Arctic Ocean
processes, the exchanges between the Arctic Ocean and the subpolar seas,
and the impact of these exchanges on larger scales. Theoretical and
observational studies that help to evaluate model simulations are also
welcome. Examples of possible topics to be covered in the special issue

- Representation of Arctic Ocean hydrography and circulation in
regional and global ocean-ice models and coupled climate models;
development of suitable metrics for the evaluation of these models
that make use of the expanding observational database in the Arctic;
- Arctic Ocean processes as they are represented in large-scale
models, deficiencies in current models, and possible future
- Interactions between the ocean and sea ice and their
representation in current ocean-ice and climate models;
- Consequences of retreating and thinning sea ice on the Arctic
Ocean, exchanges with the subpolar seas, and the global ocean
circulation; and
- Role of the arctic fresh water reservoirs for the stability and
variability of the large-scale oceanic circulation.

Normal review and editorial processes apply. The suggested deadline for
submissions is 1 June 2012. Manuscript submissions must be fully
accepted for publication no later than the 1 December 2012 for inclusion
in the special issue. Publication will occur in early 2013.

For further information, please go to:

  1. Newsletter Available
    The Towline
    North Slope Borough Department of Wildlife Management

The Fall 2011 newsletter of the North Slope Borough Department of
Wildlife Management is now available online. To view the most recent
edition of 'The Towline,' please click on the 'Fall 2011' link at:

The newsletter provides information on current studies, research, and
other happenings within the North Slope Borough Department of Wildlife
Management. The purpose is to keep the public informed and to provide
contact information for subsistence hunters and concerned residents of
the North Slope.

For further information on the organization, please go to:

To view the newsletter, please click on the 'Fall 2011' link at:

  1. New Dataset Available
    GlobIce Project

The GlobIce project announces the first release of its validated data
products for arctic sea ice during the winter seasons of 2004-2010. For
information on the project and access to the datasets, please go to:

GlobICE is a European Space Agency (ESA) funded project to define,
implement, and validate an information system for sea ice dynamics,
derived from the SAR data archive of ESA's Envisat and ERS satellites.
The datasets includes netCDF products for Eulerian and Lagrangian sea
ice drift vectors, velocity, deformation, open water fraction, and mass
flux at 5km-100km resolution.

For further information on the project and access to the GlobICE
datasets please go to:

For questions, please contact:
Steven Baker
Email: sgb [at]
Alan Muir
Email: asm [at]

  1. Novelty Calendar Available
    2012 Polar Potties
    Association of Polar Early Career Scientists

The Association of Polar Early Career Scientists (APECS) announces the
availability of the '2012 Polar Potties Calendar.' Proceeds from the
calendar will be used to support the many APECS education and outreach

The calendar features well-designed private rooms with a view of
Antarctic glaciers, great places to hide from polar bears in the Arctic,
and fellow polar adventurers with their latest designs of polar

For further information or to order, please go to: