
Multiple Meeting Announcements

  1. Workshop Announcement
    Responding to Arctic Environmental Change
    30 January - 1 February 2012
    Queen's University, Kingston, Canada

  2. Call for Presentation Proposals and Abstracts
    Gateways North: Expansion, Convergence, and Change
    3 May 2012
    The Pas, Manitoba, Canada

  3. Conference Announcement and Call for Abstracts
    ICETECH 2012: International Conference and Exhibition on Performance
    of Ships and Structures in Ice
    17-20 September 2012
    Banff, Alberta, Canada

  4. Workshop Announcement
    R/V Sikuliaq Science Planning
    18-19 February 2012
    Salt Lake City, Utah

  1. Workshop Announcement
    Responding to Arctic Environmental Change
    30 January - 1 February 2012
    Queen's University, Kingston, Canada

The International Study of Arctic Change (ISAC), in partnership with the
School of Policy Studies at Queen's University, announces a workshop
entitled "Responding to Arctic Environmental Change: Translating Our
Growing Understanding into a Research Agenda for Action." The workshop
will be held 30 January - 1 February 2012 at Queen's University in
Kingston, Canada.

This workshop is the first in a planned series of meetings intended to
coordinate initiatives for research that directly address the needs of
stakeholders affected by arctic environmental change or who are
addressing arctic environmental change. The long-term objective is to
enable local people, the arctic nations, and the wider global community
(including the scientific community) to better respond to a changing
Arctic. This workshop is a pre-IPY 2012 Conference event. It is intended
to develop a science plan that will feed into and further evolve at the
"From Knowledge to Action" conference scheduled for April 2012.

The workshop is open to all interested parties. Organizers seek to
engage a wide range of communities including but not limited to arctic
residents and indigenous peoples; representatives of industry,
fisheries, and agriculture; policy and decision-makers; resource
managers; educators; non-governmental organizations; and researchers.

Registration is free and will be capped at 60 participants. Some funding
may be available for travel support. To register for the workshop,
please go to:

Registration deadline: Saturday, 31 December 2011.

To download the complete workshop prospectus, please go to:

For further information, including a description of the workshop
objectives, please go to:

For questions, please contact:
Maribeth Murray
Email: murray [at]

  1. Call for Presentation Proposals and Abstracts
    Gateways North: Expansion, Convergence, and Change
    3 May 2012
    The Pas, Manitoba, Canada

Organizers announce an interdisciplinary symposium of the humanities and
sciences entitled "Gateways North: Expansion, Convergence, and Change,"
and call for presentation proposals and abstracts. The symposium will be
held on 3 May 2012 at the University College of the North in The Pas,
Manitoba, Canada.

This one-day symposium will focus on economic, social, cultural, and
environmental trends and developments within The Pas and northern
Manitoba. 2012 marks what would have been Glenn Gould's 80th birthday as
well as the 45th anniversary of his landmark CBC broadcast "The Idea of
North," a radio documentary inspired by his train journey through
northern Manitoba to Churchill. Symposium organizers are interested in
presentations on Gould's relationship to the North or on conceptualizing
the North and invite proposals from scholars, artists, storytellers,
writers, and poets on areas including:

- Agricultural development;
- Broadcasting and radio in northern communities;
- Critical Aboriginal perspectives;
- Education in the North;
- Environmental issues and biodiversity in northern Manitoba;
- Expansion and resource development north of the 52nd parallel;
- Fur trade and origins of northern communities;
- Glenn Gould's "Idea of the North;"
- Immigration and migration issues; and
- Literary and artistic representations of northern Manitoba.

Performance pieces, artistic/video installations, and other creative
approaches are encouraged.

Proposals for 20-minute individual or panel presentations and abstracts
of 250 words, accompanied with biographical information of no more than
one page, should be submitted by email to: gatewaysnorth [at]

Submission deadline: 3 February 2012.

For more information, please contact:
Keith Hyde
Email: khyde [at]
Phone: 204-627-8670

Greg Stott
Email: gstott [at]
Phone: 204-677-6783

  1. Conference Announcement and Call for Abstracts
    ICETECH 2012: International Conference and Exhibition on Performance
    of Ships and Structures in Ice
    17-20 September 2012
    Banff, Alberta, Canada

The Society of Naval Architects and Marine Engineers (SNAME) announce
"ICETECH 2012: International Conference and Exhibition on Performance of
Ships and Structures in Ice," to be held 17-20 September 2012 in Banff,
Alberta, Canada.

Preliminary session topics include:

- Icebreaking ships (including Naval Architecture and Marine
- Structures in ice/iceberg populated waters (including structure
design, ice/iceberg-structure interaction, and ice/iceberg
- Construction and logistics in ice-covered areas;
- New offshore developments in ice-covered areas;
- Pipelines and facilities;
- Codes, regulations, and standards;
- Ice conditions, forecasting, and remote sensing;
- Safety, risk, and environmental protection;
- Escape, evacuation, and rescue (EER);
- Marine systems for offshore drilling and production operations in
- Evaluation of arctic hazards;
- Global warming implications to the Arctic; and
- Arctic geopolitics.

Key dates for ICETECH 2012 are as follows:

- Abstract submission deadline: 17 January 2012
- Abstract acceptance notification: 17 February 2012
- Early registration discount: 17 March 2012
- Technical paper submission for review deadline: 17 April 2012
- Notification of acceptance or revisions: 17 May 2012
- Publication copy deadline: 17 June 2012

For further information, please go to:

  1. Workshop Announcement
    R/V Sikuliaq Science Planning
    18-19 February 2012
    Salt Lake City, Utah

The Ocean Science community is invited to attend the Sikuliaq Science
Workshop, scheduled for 18-19 February 2012 at the Salt Lake City
Marriott Downtown in Salt Lake City, Utah. The Sikuliaq Science Workshop
precedes the American Geophysical Union's Ocean Sciences Meeting.

The workshop offers opportunities to learn details of the scientific
outfitting of the new vessel and to network with other scientists. The
draft schedule and details of the science sea trials will be presented
and discussed. The workshop is scheduled to facilitate proposal
submission deadlines in preparation for Sikuliaq funded science in early

The workshop is to take place from 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m., with
refreshments being provided both days. Dinner will be provided on
Saturday, February 18th, and lunch will be provided on Sunday, February
19th. Workshop participants who are also attending the 2012 Ocean
Sciences Meeting will be supported for their extra nights of lodging.
Limited funds for airfare may be available for those without travel
funds if prearranged with the Sikuliaq Project Support Office.

Additional meeting details and the registration form are available at:

For questions, please contact:
Terry Whitledge
Phone: 907-474-7229
Email: terry [at]