
Multiple Resources Available

  1. Polar News, 1st Edition
    International Arctic Science Committee
    Scientific Committee on Antarctic Research

  2. Database Available Online
    ArcticNet Publications Database

  3. OSPAR E-newsletter: Issue 6, October 2011
    OSPAR Commission

  1. Polar News, 1st Edition
    International Arctic Science Committee
    Scientific Committee on Antarctic Research

The International Arctic Science Committee (IASC) and the Scientific
Committee on Antarctic Research (SCAR) announce a joint publication
entitled 'Polar News.' The first edition is available online, via the
APECS website:

Polar News replaces both IASC Progress and the SCAR Newsletter for this
quarter, and will likely be an annual publication that focuses on
bipolar science. This 2011 issue includes articles on:

- Polar Science in a Global Context: SCAR, IASC, and the
International Council for Science (ICSU);
- Ice Sheet Mass Balance and Sea Level (ISMASS);
- The role of the European Union in arctic research;
- Polar Activities of the World Meteorological Organization; and
- Upcoming workshops and meeting.

The newsletter can be downloaded at:

  1. Database Available Online
    ArcticNet Publications Database

ArcticNet and the Arctic Science and Technology Information System
(ASTIS) announce the availability of the ArcticNet Publications Database

The database includes publications from ArcticNet and from its two
predecessor research projects, the Canadian Arctic Shelf Exchange Study
(CASES) and the International North Water Polynya Study (NOW). The
database provides complete coverage of the more than 1,000 refereed
publications that have so far been produced by the three research
projects, and partial coverage of non-refereed publications (currently
about 750 are listed). The database can be searched on many different
fields, and the results can be sorted by year or by first author.
Database records contain citations, abstracts, detailed subject and
geographic terms from the ASTIS thesauri, and in most cases, links to
PDF files of the publications.

ArcticNet is a Network of Centres of Excellence of Canada based at
Universite Laval that brings together scientists and managers in the
natural, human health and social sciences with partners from Inuit
organizations, northern communities, federal and provincial agencies and
the private sector to study the impacts of climate change in the coastal
Canadian Arctic. Over 145 researchers from 30 Canadian Universities, 8
federal and 11 provincial agencies and departments collaborate with
research teams in Denmark, Finland, France, Greenland, Japan, Norway,
Poland, Russia, Spain, Sweden, the United Kingdom and the USA.

The Arctic Science and Technology Information System (ASTIS), Canada's
national northern database, is a project of the Arctic Institute of
North America at the University of Calgary. The ASTIS database describes
74,000 publications and research projects about northern Canada. All
records in the ArcticNet Publications Database are also available in the
main ASTIS database, and relevant records are included in three ASTIS
regional databases: the Inuvialuit Settlement Region Database, the
Nunavut Database and the Nunavik Bibliography.

To search the database, please go to:

For further information, please contact:
Ross Goodwin
Email: rgoodwin [at]

  1. OSPAR E-newsletter: Issue 6, October 2011
    OSPAR Commission

The OSPAR Commission announces that Issue 6 of the OSPAR e-newsletter is
available. It can be downloaded at:

Contents include:

- First Regional Ecological and Biological Significant Marine Areas;
- Making strides towards effective Marine Protected Area management;
- The Sargasso Sea Alliance;
- Regional Seas step up to the plate; and
- The new and not-so-new faces of the OSPAR Secretariat.

To download the current newsletter, or to review previous issues, please
go to: