
Multiple Meeting Announcements

  1. Student and Teacher Workshops Available
    IPY 2012 From Knowledge to Action
    22-27 April 2012
    Montreal, Canada

  2. Call for Abstracts
    New Advances in Geophysics 2012
    9-10 February 2012
    London, United Kingdom

  1. Student and Teacher Workshops Available
    IPY 2012 From Knowledge to Action
    22-27 April 2012
    Montreal, Canada

Organizers announce student and teacher workshops at the International
Polar Year (IPY) 2012 Conference "From Knowledge to Action." The
conference will be held 22-27 April 2012 in Montreal, Canada.

Students/Early Career Scientists and Mentors

The conference will provide a number of opportunities for students and
mentors to get to know each other, share experiences, and develop
collaborations. This includes a "From Knowledge to Careers" workshop
organized by the Association of Polar Early Career Scientists (APECS)
and the ArcticNet Student Association (ASA), which will be held in
Montreal, 20-22 April 2012. The application deadline is Monday, 31
October 2011. Further information, including a preliminary outline of
the workshop and the application, is available at:

If you are interested in participating in the workshop as a mentor,
please contact workshop chairs Kimberley Keats (kkeats [at] and
Karley Campbell (umcampb2 [at]

Workshop for Science Teachers

A PolarEDUCATORS Workshop also scheduled for 20-22 April 2012 is being
organized by Students on Ice ( and will
bring together 150 international educators to attend a two-day
professional development workshop in natural and social sciences as they
relate to polar education. The agenda will include talks and hands-on
activities with polar scientists, educators, indigenous arctic community
members, and leaders and innovators working on some of the most critical
issues facing the planet. Some partial travel support will be available.
The application deadline is Monday, 14 November 2011. Further
information and the application form are available at:

  1. Call for Abstracts
    New Advances in Geophysics 2012
    9-10 February 2012
    London, United Kingdom

Organizers announce that the New Advances in Geophysics Meeting 2012,
entitled "The Geophysics of the Cryosphere and Glacial Products:
Properties, Processes, and Technical Advances," will be held 9-10
February 2012 in London, United Kingdom.

Contributions are welcomed from all areas of geophysics and associated
disciplines as applied or relevant to present-day ice masses, ice cores,
frozen ground, or snow. Likewise, organizers are keen to receive
contributions on the application of geophysical and associated
techniques to glacial materials and products to reconstruct past ice
masses, dynamics, and hydrology.

Robin E. Bell from the Lamont Doherty Earth Observatory, USA; David G.
Vaughan from the British Antarctic Survey, UK; and Christian Hauck from
the University of Fribourg, Switzerland will present as keynote speakers
at the meeting.

Abstract submission deadline: Friday, 16 December 2011.
Registration deadline: Friday, 13 January 2012.

For further information, or to register or submit an abstract, please go

For questions, please contact:
Bernd Kulessa
Email: b.kulessa [at]