
Multiple Positions Available

  1. Two Positions Available
    Sea Ice Modeling / Ice-Ocean Modeling and Data Assimilation
    Nansen Environmental and Remote Sensing Center
    Bergen, Norway

  2. California State University, Fresno seeks Two Assistant Professors
    Sedimentary Geologist/Hydrogeologist
    Fresno, California

  3. Tromso University Museum seeks Researcher
    Tromso, Norway

  1. Two Positions Available
    Sea Ice Modeling / Ice-Ocean Modeling and Data Assimilation
    Nansen Environmental and Remote Sensing Center
    Bergen, Norway

Two positions are available at the Mohn-Sverdrup Center, Nansen
Environmental and Remote Sensing Center. They will be based in Bergen,

One opening is a research position in coupled ice-ocean modeling and
data assimilation, which will be part of a team working to develop and
validate the TOPAZ ( ice-ocean assimilation
system for the high latitudes and Arctic Ocean. The position is
initially for a two-year duration. Candidates must have a PhD or
equivalent in applied mathematics or oceanography, and experience in
numerical modeling and data assimilation. For further information on
this position, including application instructions, please go to:

The other opening is for a PhD or postdoctoral candidate in sea ice
modeling, and will focus on modeling sea ice conditions in the Barents
and Kara Sea using a realistic implementation of a coupled ice-ocean
model. The position is funded for a three-year duration. Applicants must
have an MSc in applied mathematics or physical oceanography. For further
information on this position, including application instructions, please
go to:

Application deadline for both positions: Thursday, 10 November 2011.

  1. California State University, Fresno seeks Two Assistant Professors
    Sedimentary Geologist/Hydrogeologist
    Fresno, California

The Department of Earth and Environmental Sciences at California State
University, Fresno seeks two tenure-track assistant professors, one in
sedimentary geology and the other in hydrogeology. Both positions will
be based in Fresno, California.

Duties will include teaching undergraduate and graduate level courses,
mentoring students, conducting research in the area of expertise, and
engaging in university service. Candidates must demonstrate a commitment
to and potential for teaching excellence, research, and scholarly
activities, including successful grantsmanship and research

Candidates for the sedimentary geology position must hold an earned PhD
in geology or a related earth sciences field. Further information on
this position is available by searching for vacancy 11723 at: Complete application packets must also be
submitted on the website, and will include a letter of application,
curriculum vitae, statements of teaching philosophy and research
interests, and the names and contact information of five references.
Additionally, three letters of recommendation will need to be mailed
directly to the search committee chair.

Candidates for the hydrogeology must hold an earned PhD in hydrogeology
or a related earth sciences field. Further information on this position
is available by searching for vacancy 11722 at: Complete application packets must also be
submitted on the website, and will include a letter of application,
curriculum vitae, statements of teaching philosophy and research
interests, and the names and contact information of five references.
Additionally, three letters of recommendation will need to be mailed
directly to the search committee chair.

Both positions will remain open until filled, but full consideration
will be given to applications received by 5 January 2012.

  1. Tromso University Museum seeks Researcher
    Tromso, Norway

The University of Tromso seeks applicants for a researcher position in
biosystematics. The position is attached to the Department of Natural
Sciences at the Tromso University Museum, and will be based in Tromso,

The successful candidate will work strategically and practically with
the development of ForBio
(, the Norwegian-Swedish
Research School in biosystematics. The development of the Research
School will take place in cooperation with representatives of the other
Norwegian university museums, and it is an advantage if the applicant
has experience in developing or management of research and development
projects. The position will also teach theoretical and/or field courses
offered through the school.

The full position announcement, including application instructions, is
available at:

For questions, please contact:
Inger Greve Alsos
Email: inger.g.alsos [at]

Arne C. Nilssen
Email: arnec.nilssen [at]