
ACCAP Webinar Announcement
Alaska and the National Climate Assessment
Who, What, Where, When, Why, and How You Can Be Involved

Tuesday, 25 October 2011
10:00-11:00 a.m. AKDT

To register for the webinar, please fill out the form available at:

Or contact:
Brook Gamble
Phone: 907-474-7812
Email: accap [at]

The Alaska Center for Climate Assessment and Policy (ACCAP) announces a
webinar entitled "Alaska and the National Climate Assessment: Who, What,
Where, When, Why, and How You Can Be Involved," which is scheduled for
Tuesday, 25 October 2011 from 10:00-11:00 a.m. AKDT. The webinar will be
presented by Sarah Trainor from ACCAP, and Carl Markon from the U.S.
Geological Survey (USGS).

ACCAP, USGS, and other groups throughout Alaska are collaborating to
create a technical report of the state of knowledge about climate change
impacts and response, which will be used in writing the Alaska Regional
Chapter of the 2013 National Climate Assessment. For ongoing information
on ACCAP's activities with the National Climate Assessment, please see: The webinar is an
opportunity to learn more about who is involved, the subject and content
areas of the report, the process, the time-line, and how to provide


Pre-registration is strongly encouraged. To register, please fill out
the online form (
or contact Brook Gamble, (907-474-7812, accap [at] Fairbanks
residents are welcome to attend the presentation at the ACCAP office,
which is located at 3352 College Road on the second floor of the Denali
Building. Please notify Brook Gamble if you plan to attend in person.
Satellite viewing locations may be available for local community
members, agencies and nonprofits, resource managers, and scientists to
participate in monthly webinars. Satellite sites for this webinar have
yet to be announced. Please contact Brook Gamble for room details, or to
inform ACCAP if your organization would like to host a satellite viewing

To log-in to the teleconference:
1. Dial: 1-877-594-8353.
2. When prompted, enter the participant code: 83847342.

Please MUTE your phone during the presentation. The audio is very
sensitive and your external conversations and typing can be heard by
other participants and disrupt the presentation.

To view the presentation:
1. Go to:
2. Enter the participant code: 83847342.
3. Enter the rest of the requested information. The name and
organization you enter will be seen by other participants, but your
contact information will remain confidential.
4. Click the blue 'log-in' button.

For support during a call, press *0 on your phone and a conference
coordinator will assist you. The interface will work for both Mac and PC
users. You may be prompted to turn off pop-up blockers. For best
results, please connect with Mozilla Firefox, Apple Safari, or Internet
Explorer. Chrome users may occasionally experience instability.

To register for the webinar, please fill out the form available at:

Or contact:
Brook Gamble
Phone: 907-474-7812
Email: accap [at]