
Multiple Resource Announcements

  1. Book Available
    North by 2020:
    Perspectives on Alaska's Changing Social-Ecological Systems
    Edited By: Amy Lauren Lovecraft and Hajo Eicken

  2. Book Available
    Inuit and Whalers on Baffin Island Through German Eyes
    By: Ludger Muller-Wille and Bernd Gieseking

  3. Publication Available
    Results of the 4th Joint U.S.-Russian
    Bering and Chukchi Seas Expedition
    U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service

  1. Book Available
    North by 2020:
    Perspectives on Alaska's Changing Social-Ecological Systems
    Edited By: Amy Lauren Lovecraft and Hajo Eicken

A new book entitled "North by 2020: Perspectives on Alaska's Changing
Social-Ecological Systems" is available. It was edited by Amy Lauren
Lovecraft and Hajo Eicken, and published by the University of Alaska

Originating from a series of workshops held at the Alaska Forum of the
Fourth International Polar Year, this interdisciplinary volume addresses
a host of current concerns regarding the ecology and rapid
transformation of the Arctic. Concentrating on the most important linked
social-ecological systems, including fresh water, marine resources, and
oil and gas development, this volume explores opportunities for
sustainable development from a variety of perspectives, among them
social sciences, natural and applied sciences, and the arts. Individual
chapters highlight expressions of climate change in dance, music, and
film, as well as from an indigenous knowledge-based perspective.

For further information or to purchase, please go to:

  1. Book Available
    Inuit and Whalers on Baffin Island Through German Eyes
    By: Ludger Muller-Wille and Bernd Gieseking

A book entitled "Inuit and Whalers on Baffin Island Through German Eyes:
Wilhelm Weike's Arctic Journal and Letters (1883-84)" will be available
31 October 2011. The book was written by Ludger Muller-Wille and Bernd
Gieseking, and translated by William Barr.

Wilhelm Weike, a 23-year old handyman from Minden/Germany, accidentally
found himself spending the year of 1883-84 among Inuit and wintering
with whalers on Baffin Island in the Canadian Arctic. Fledgling
scientist Franz Boas, later the eminent cultural anthropologist, hired
Weike to attend to and assist him in his geographical and ethnological
research following the first Polar Year of 1882-83. Muller-Wille and
Gieseking have edited and annotated Weike's journal extensively. They
present his biography and highlight his observations and his
contributions to Boas's scientific work.

For further information or to order, please go to:

  1. Publication Available
    Results of the 4th Joint U.S.-Russian
    Bering and Chukchi Seas Expedition
    U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service

The U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service announces publication of the Results
of the 4th Joint U.S.-Russian Bering and Chukchi Seas Expedition
(BERPAC) Summer 1993.

Although a Russian language version of the cruise results has been
available for many years, this 294-page volume represents the first
integrated results with both U.S. and Russian contributions published in
professionally edited English. The volume includes numerous figures, all
re-drafted in consistent formats, and photographs taken during the
cruise, which was a direct result of the U.S.-Russian Environmental
Agreement. The agreement, first signed in 1972, brought together U.S.
and Russian scientists for a series of research expeditions in the
Bering and Chukchi Seas across the international boundary, the results
of which provides an important baseline for understanding this high
latitude ecosystem.

Individual copies are available at no charge while the supply lasts. To
request a copy, please contact Steve Kohl via email
(steven_kohl [at] or postal mail:

Office of International Affairs
Division of International Conservation
U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service
4401 North Fairfax Drive, Room 100
Arlington, VA 22203, USA