
2011-2012 Executive Committee Announced
Association of Polar Early Career Scientists

For further information, please go to:

The Association of Polar Early Career Scientists (APECS) is run by and
for early career scientists, and as such the leadership turns over
annually to allow people to gain experience in international
organizations while still focusing on their research and degrees.

APECS is pleased to announce its 2011-2012 Executive Committee:

President Yulia Zaika (Russia); and Vice-Presidents Allen Pope
(U.K./U.S.), Angelika Renner (Norway), Jennifer Provencher (Canada), and
Luis Guilherme Resende de Assis (Brazil). Gerlis Fugmann (Past
President, Germany) and Jenny Baeseman (Director, Norway) will continue
to serve in the Ex-Officio role. Further information on the new
Executive Committee members is available at:

In addition to the Executive Committee, 37 members from 19 countries
have also been welcomed to the APECS 2011-2012 Council. For further
information, please go to:

APECS is an international and interdisciplinary organization for
undergraduates, graduate students, postdoctoral researchers, and others
with interest in the polar regions and the cryosphere. Through hands-on
leadership training, APECS creates events and resources to help
researchers establish a successful foundation for their careers. APECS
works together with mentors from many leading international
organizations and institutions to shape the future of polar research.