
New Resource Available
Ship-based Science Technical Support in the Arctic (STARC)
National Science Foundation

For further information, please go to:

Or contact:
Scott Hiller
Email: shiller [at]
Phone: 858-822-6624

An NSF award to enhance marine science and technical services provided
to NSF-supported research cruises on U.S. Coast Guard cutters Healy and
Polar Star has been made to Scripps Institution of Oceanography and
Oregon State University in a joint venture to provide basic services to
the level provided by the University-National Oceanographic Laboratory
System (UNOLS) for supporting academic research.

This award will serve two primary functions:

1) To plan, coordinate, and deliver science technical support
onboard Healy and Polar Star, augmenting the role of the USCG marine
science technicians; and
2) To coordinate with NSF, USCG, and the academic community to
provide for the operation, maintenance, and upgrade of science
equipment installed or used on Healy and Polar Star.

Scott Hiller has been appointed as the Arctic Cruise Coordinator for the
STARC (Ship-based Science Technical Support in the Arctic) program
funded by NSF. He will serve as a single point of contact for principal
investigators, participating scientists, ship operators (e.g. U.S. Coast
Guard), and funding agency program managers. Scott will serve important
functions from the earliest pre-cruise planning stages all the way
through final reporting. He will work with all parties to develop
efficient staffing and equipment assignments customized for each cruise
leg. Scott will communicate with OSU/MTG and SIO/STS supervisors to
determine the availability of technical personnel within the departments
who have the experience and training to meet the requirements of the
arctic cruises. If the resources at OSU and SIO are not adequate or
available to meet the requirements of any cruise, then he will contact
technical support groups at other UNOLS institutions to meet these
needs. This approach will pertain to individual technicians as well as
to technical groups that perform specialized services (e.g. moorings,
ADCPs, towed sonars, etc).

To assist investigators proposing work on Healy or Polar Star for the
NSF Arctic Sciences Division's main annual proposal deadline of 18
October 2011, the STARC team requests that investigators contact Scott
prior to proposal submission in order to clarify their logistics support
requests. For example, an informal email exchange now will help both
investigators and the STARC team assess technical support needs and
responsibilities, and be useful in identifying these in proposals. Scott
is also available to hear community opinions, comments, and concerns for
arctic research cruises. Scott can be reached at shiller [at] or

For further information, please go to: