
Multiple Resources Available

  1. Book Available
    Science in the Snow: Fifty years of international collaboration through
    the Scientific Committee on Antarctic Research
    By: David Walton and Peter Clarkson

  2. Annual Report Available
    Association of Polar Early Career Scientists

  3. Special Issue Available
    The Changing Arctic Ocean
    Oceanography Magazine

  1. Book Available
    Science in the Snow: Fifty years of international collaboration through
    the Scientific Committee on Antarctic Research
    By: David Walton and Peter Clarkson

A new book, entitled "Science in the Snow: Fifty years of international
collaboration through the Scientific Committee on Antarctic Research" is
now available. The volume covers the first 50 years of the Scientific
Committee on Antarctic Research (SCAR), from its establishment in 1958.

SCAR's purpose was to coordinate the scientific results of the
International Geophysical Year (IGY) 1957-58, but it quickly became
apparent that scientific research in Antarctica was going to continue. This
history of SCAR is a broad overview of its principal activities as well as
a guide to major scientific initiatives and developments. It includes
several appendices that provide a reference to SCAR meetings, elected
officials, principal publications, and activities.

For further information or to order, please go to:

  1. Annual Report Available
    Association of Polar Early Career Scientists

The Association of Polar Early Career Scientists (APECS) is transitioning
to the new 2011-2012 Leadership, who will be starting their work on 1
October 2011. Along with that transition, APECS announces release of its
2010-2011 Annual Report.

The past year included 30 APECS mentor panels and meetings in 15 countries
including Norway, Japan, South Korea, Brazil, the United States, the United
Kingdom, and Chile. APECS conducted several workshops and hosted many
activities, including a career development webinar series and various
virtual poster sessions. The APECS website was further developed to feature
many new resources, including the Who's Who in Polar Science acronym guide,
the Polar Graduate Programmes database, and the Funding Resources database.

Through the development of these activities and products, APECS members
develop leadership skills, gain project management experience, expand their
networks, and enhance their communication skills. The 'learning-by-doing'
concept of APECS presents members with opportunities that are not often
provided in a typical graduate education program, but are necessary for
successful careers.

APECS would like to thank their many talented members, mentors, partner
organizations, and funders for continuing to help shape the future of polar

The full annual report is available for download at:

  1. Special Issue Available
    The Changing Arctic Ocean
    Oceanography Magazine

A special issue of 'Oceanography,' a magazine published by the Oceanography
Society, is available. Entitled "The Changing Arctic Ocean: Special Issue
on the International Polar Year (2007-2009)," this September 2011
publication is available online, at:

Co-sponsored by the U.S. Arctic Research Commission (USARC), the National
Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA), and the National Science
Foundation (NSF), the special issue contains 30 contributions on a wide
range of arctic-related subjects such as marine geology; research vessels;
indigenous perspectives; outreach; science policy; ocean observing;
physical, biological, and chemical oceanography; modeling; and sea ice.

For a complete list of contents, or to download individual articles, please
go to: