
Multiple Meeting Announcements

  1. Workshop Announcement
    Polar Predictability
    23 October 2011
    Denver, Colorado

  2. Meeting Announcement and Call for Presentations
    Community Earth System Model - Polar Climate Working Group Meeting
    15-17 February 2012
    Boulder, Colorado

  3. Software Release and Workshop Announcement
    Ice Sheet System Model
    12-13 December 2011
    Pasadena, California

  1. Workshop Announcement
    Polar Predictability
    23 October 2011
    Denver, Colorado

The Atmosphere Working Group of the International Arctic Science
Committee (IASC) will hold a mini-workshop on Polar Predictability prior
to the start of the World Climate Research Programme (WCRP) Open Science
Conference in Denver, Colorado. The workshop will be held 9:00 a.m. -
12:00 p.m. at the Sheraton Denver Downtown on Sunday, 23 October 2011.

The workshop is open to the public and all are encouraged to attend; it
will be co-convened by Jim Overland and Ted Shepherd. It aims to build
on the October 2010 WCRP workshop on Seasonal to Multi-decadal
Predictability of Polar Climate, and to prepare for an upcoming workshop
on the same topic scheduled for April 2012 in Toronto.

For more information, please click on the 'Activities' link at:

  1. Meeting Announcement and Call for Presentations
    Community Earth System Model - Polar Climate Working Group Meeting
    15-17 February 2012
    Boulder, Colorado

Organizers of the Community Earth System Model - Polar Climate Working
Group Meeting announce a call for presentations. The meeting will be held
15-17 February 2012 in Boulder, Colorado at the National Center for
Atmospheric Research Mesa Laboratory.

The meeting is open to anyone who would like to attend, and all topics are
welcomed. If you would like to give a short presentation about your work,
please send a title via email (eclare [at] or jenkay [at] by
Monday, 16 January 2012. The agenda will be organized around the topics
submitted. Additionally, a portion of the time will be dedicated to meeting
jointly with the Land Ice Working Group and the Paleoclimate Working Group.

For further information about the Polar Climate Working Group, please go

For questions, please contact:
David A. Bailey
Email: dbailey [at]

  1. Software Release and Workshop Announcement
    Ice Sheet System Model
    12-13 December 2011
    Pasadena, California

The Jet Propulsion Laboratory (JPL) and the University of California at
Irvine announce the release of the Ice Sheet System Model (ISSM,, an ice sheet modeling software. To coincide with
its release, the ISSM team is organizing a workshop at JPL in Pasadena,
California on 12-13 December 2011, right after the AGU 2011 Fall Meeting.

The workshop will feature science talks centered on the capabilities of
ISSM, such as inverse methods, higher-order modeling, and parallel
computing; as well as classes and tutorials for beginners/users/power users
and developers who are interested in learning modeling using ISSM. The goal
of the workshop is to introduce potential users and/or developers to ISSM,
and foster deeper integration of ice sheet modeling and observations within
the cryospheric community.

The software was developed in the last 5 years with funding from JPL
Research and Technology Development; the NASA Cryospheric and Modeling,
Analysis, and Prediction (MAP) programs; and more recently the NSF Eager
program. It will be released in the public domain under an open source

For more information or to register for the workshop, please go to:

For questions, please email:
issm [at]