
Call for Proposals
Science, Engineering, and Education for Sustainability Fellows
National Science Foundation

Submission deadline: Monday, 5 December 2011

For the full solicitation, please enter 11-575 in the 'Search Funding
Opportunities' box at:

For questions, please email:
seesfellows [at]

The National Science Foundation (NSF) announces solicitation 11-575,
"Science, Engineering, and Education for Sustainability Fellows." The
full proposal deadline is Monday, 5 December 2011.

Through SEES Fellows, NSF seeks to enable the discoveries needed to
inform actions that lead to environmental, energy, and societal
sustainability while creating the necessary workforce to address these
challenges. The program's emphasis is to facilitate investigations that
cross traditional disciplinary boundaries and address issues of
sustainability through a systems approach, building bridges between
academic inquiry, economic growth, and societal needs.

The Fellow's proposed investigation should be interdisciplinary and
allow him/her to obtain research experience beyond his/her current core
disciplinary expertise. Additionally, Fellows are required to develop a
research partnership that would broaden the impact and/or scope of the
proposed research activities. Such activities might include, but are not
limited to, a connection with a NSF Research Coordination Network (RCN),
center, or facility; industry; a national laboratory; or a state,
regional, or local resource management agency.

Fellows are required to have two mentors, one for the proposed research
at the host institution (the institution that will administer the award)
and the other for the research partnership. The mentors can be from the
same institution, but should not be from the same discipline.

The challenge of sustainability, maintaining and improving the quality
of life for the nation within a healthy Earth system, is of global
concern. The NSF SEES Fellows may strengthen connections and
collaborations with the broader international science and engineering
community by having an international research partnership.

Submission deadline: Monday, 5 December 2011.

For the full solicitation, please enter 11-575 in the 'Search Funding
Opportunities' box at:

For questions, please email:
seesfellows [at]