  1. Session Announcement and Call for Abstracts
    Session 1.2.4 - Permafrost on a Warming Planet
    IPY 2012 From Knowledge to Action
    22-27 April 2012
    Montreal, Canada

  2. Conference Announcement and Call for Abstracts
    Arctic Frontiers 2012
    Energies of the High North
    22-27 January 2012
    Tromso, Norway

  3. Conference Announcement and Call for Abstracts
    Planet Under Pressure 2012: New Knowledge Toward Solutions
    26-29 March 2012
    London, UK

  1. Session Announcement and Call for Abstracts
    Session 1.2.4 - Permafrost on a Warming Planet
    IPY 2012 From Knowledge to Action
    22-27 April 2012
    Montreal, Canada

Organizers of Session 1.2.4, "Permafrost on a Warming Planet," announce
a call for abstracts. The session will be convened at the International
Polar Year (IPY) 2012 Conference and will be the core session around
permafrost, its thermal state, its degradation, and its impact on polar
ecosystems and the global climate. The IPY 2012 Conference "From
Knowledge to Action" will be held 22-27 April 2012 in Montreal, Canada.

Permafrost is a widespread feature of polar regions that underlies
virtually all of the non-glaciated terrestrial Arctic and Antarctic. IPY
has brought permafrost studies and issues into the global spotlight by
emphasizing the interrelation between the thermal state of permafrost
and the global climate system. This session will present the results of
the permafrost activities undertaken during and after the IPY with a
special focus on the current state of ground thermal regimes in polar
regions and the role of permafrost in the Earth climate system.

This session will investigate the implications of degrading permafrost
for northern communities, industry, wildlife, as well as the storage,
decomposition, and release of carbon (as carbon dioxide or methane) and
nitrogen in and from frozen ground. It will feature results from field
process studies, monitoring programs, remote sensing, modelling, and
interdisciplinary efforts to include local processes in global climate
models and vice-versa.

Abstracts will only be accepted via online submission. For details on
abstract preparation, submission, and selection, please go to:

Deadline for submission of abstracts: Friday, 30 September 2011.

For further information on the conference, please go to:

For more information about this session, please contact:
Hugues Lantuit
Email: Hugues.Lantuit [at]

Michael Angelopoulos
Email: michael.angelopoulos [at]

  1. Conference Announcement and Call for Abstracts
    Arctic Frontiers 2012
    Energies of the High North
    22-27 January 2012
    Tromso, Norway

Organizers announce the Arctic Frontiers 2012 conference, "Energies of
the High North," and call for abstracts for the scientific section. The
conference will discuss the global energy outlook and assess the
potential of traditional and renewable energy resources in the North.
The conference is scheduled for 22-27 January 2012 in Tromso, Norway.

The conference will bring together representatives from science,
politics, and civil society to share perspectives on how upcoming
challenges in the Arctic may be addressed to ensure sustainable
development. The fundamental issues addressed at the conference will be:

- How does the global energy outlook affect the High North?
- How should energy resources in the High North be utilized to meet the
world's energy demand?
- What kind of technology must be developed to ensure a sustainable
utilization of energy resources in the High North?
- How does this impact the northern countries and local communities
and their way of living?

Arctic Frontiers is composed of a policy section and a scientific
section. This call for papers addresses only the scientific section,
scheduled 25-27 January 2012. Organizers welcome abstract submission for
both oral and poster presentations to one of these four parallel science

- Arctic Geology, Hydrocarbon Reservoirs & Gas Hydrates;
- Technological Development & Environmental challenges;
- Social, Political and Economic Aspects of Energy Projects in the
High North; and
- Renewable and Alternative Energy.

Deadline for submission of abstracts: 24 October 2011.

For further information about the conference, including the complete
call for papers and the abstract submission form, please go to:

  1. Conference Announcement and Call for Abstracts
    Planet Under Pressure 2012: New Knowledge Toward Solutions
    26-29 March 2012
    London, England

Organizers announce the conference, "Planet Under Pressure 2012: New
Knowledge Toward Solutions," and a call for abstracts. The conference
will be held 26-29 March 2012 in London, England.

The 2012 international Planet Under Pressure conference will provide a
comprehensive update of the pressure planet Earth is now under. The
conference will discuss solutions at all scales to move societies on to
a sustainable pathway and provide scientific leadership towards the 2012
UN Conference on Sustainable Development - Rio+20.

Organizers call for participation and invite abstracts to be submitted
for oral and poster presentations on the following:

- State of the planet: the latest knowledge about the pressures on
the planet;
- Options and opportunities: exchanging knowledge about ways of
reducing the pressures on the planet, promoting transformative
changes for a sustainable future and adapting to changes in the
global system;
- Challenges to progress: clarifying what is preventing or slowing
humanity from implementing potential solutions; and
- Ways ahead: a vision for 2050 and beyond, and exploring new
partnerships and pathways towards global sustainability.

Deadline for submission of abstracts: 19 August 2011.

For further information on submitting an abstract, conference themes and
sessions, as well as mentoring and funding opportunities, please go to: