
Multiple Session Announcements and Calls for Abstracts
American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting
5-9 December 2011
San Francisco, California

Abstract Submission Deadline for all Sessions:
Thursday, 4 August 2011

  1. C08 - Documenting the State of the Cryosphere with Climate Data

  2. C10 - Earth and Extraterrestrial Permafrost and Methane

  3. GC24 - Permafrost and Methane 1. High-Elevation and High-Latitude
    Permafrost (HELP): Ground Measurements, Satellite Geodesy, and

  4. GC25 - Permafrost and Methane 2. Active Layer Dynamics Under
    Climate Warming

  1. C08 - Documenting the State of the Cryosphere with Climate Data

Organizers of Session C08, "Documenting the State of the Cryosphere with
Climate Data Records," announce a call for abstracts. The session will
be convened at the American Geophysical Union (AGU) Fall Meeting, 5-9
December 2011 in San Francisco, California.

There are many efforts to develop cryospheric climate data records that
will provide consistent, long-term records, more complete documentation,
enhanced metadata, and improved validation and error assessment. It is
important for such records to not only be useful by themselves, but also
to better work together and integrate with other cryospheric climate
records and models. Even such mundane issues as different land masks can
present complications in integrating products together to do meaningful
integrated analyses.

The goal of this session is to serve as a forum to bring data providers,
developers, and users together to present recent results and outstanding
issues on climate data records over all cryospheric regions.

The abstract submission deadline for this and all other sessions is
Thursday, 4 August 2011 at 11:59 p.m. Eastern Daylight Time. To submit
an abstract, you must enter the first author's current AGU member ID and
password at:

For further information, please contact:
Dorothy Hall
Email: dorothy.k.hall [at]

Walt Meier
Email: walt [at]

  1. C10 - Earth and Extraterrestrial Permafrost and Methane

Organizers of Session C10, "Earth and Extraterrestrial Permafrost and
Methane," announce a call for abstracts. The session will be convened at
the American Geophysical Union (AGU) Fall Meeting, 5-9 December 2011 in
San Francisco, California.

Recent discoveries point to the presence of permafrost and methane of
extraterrestrial origin. On Earth methane is a potent greenhouse gas, a
byproduct of life. The northern hemisphere permafrost zones contain
carbon mostly in the form of methane at twice the carbon concentration
of the atmosphere. Are the sources of extraterrestrial methane abiotic
or biotic? Can extraterrestrial permafrost provide a habitat for life?
Can Earth's high-elevation and high-latitude permafrost terrains provide
testing grounds in the search for extraterrestrial life?

This session will examine the recent findings of extraterrestrial
permafrost and methane, then review possible extraterrestrial-analog
environments on Earth.

The abstract submission deadline for this and all other sessions is
Thursday, 4 August 2011 at 11:59 p.m. Eastern Daylight Time. To submit
an abstract, you must enter the first author's current AGU member ID and
password at:

For further information, please contact:
Birgit Heim
Email: birgit.heim [at]

Reginald Muskett
Email: reginald.muskett [at]

  1. GC24 - Permafrost and Methane 1. High-Elevation and High-Latitude
    Permafrost (HELP): Ground Measurements, Satellite Geodesy, and

Organizers of Session GC24, "Permafrost and Methane 1. High-Elevation
and High-Latitude Permafrost (HELP): Ground Measurements, Satellite
Geodesy, and Modeling," announce a call for abstracts. The session will
be convened at the American Geophysical Union (AGU) Fall Meeting, 5-9
December 2011 in San Francisco, California.

Earth's permafrost is changing. The warming of permafrost is correlated
with increasing and decreasing discharges of northern Eurasian and
western North America (respectively) river systems, changing
distributions of thaw lakes, boreal and tundra wildfires, elements of
atmospheric systems, terrestrial snow cover, and the rise of global mean
sea level. Earth, Wind, Fire and Water are in flux.

The session welcomes studies on the scales from local to global in order
to gain a detailed and broad perspective of the climate-driven changes
of permafrost and the impact on ecosystems, habitat, hydrology,
landforms, and human infrastructure with an eye toward future

The abstract submission deadline for this and all other sessions is
Thursday, 4 August 2011 at 11:59 p.m. Eastern Daylight Time. To submit
an abstract, you must enter the first author's current AGU member ID and
password at:

For further information, please contact:
Annett Bartsch
Email: ab [at]

Claude Duguay
Email: crduguay [at]

Reginald Muskett
Email: reginald.muskett [at]

  1. GC25 - Permafrost and Methane 2. Active Layer Dynamics Under
    Climate Warming

Organizers of Session GC25, "Permafrost and Methane 2. Active Layer
Dynamics Under Climate Warming," announce a call for abstracts. The
session will be convened at the American Geophysical Union (AGU) Fall
Meeting, 5-9 December 2011 in San Francisco, California.

The active layer is the seasonally frozen-unfrozen ground in permafrost
zones. It acts as a buffering filter between climate-driven changes in
energy and mass from above and affects on permafrost below. In moderate
relief regions thaw-slump detachments are notable expressions of
dynamics of the active layer. In high relief regions, rock glaciers, are
another dynamics type. Is climate warming of the high latitudes
increasing the occurrence and activity of thaw-slumps and rock glaciers?
What could be the impacts to human infrastructures and resources and
mass wastage (carbon) on river systems?

Organizers welcome the latest findings from studies utilizing modeling,
remote sensing and retrospective analyses on active layer dynamics.

The abstract submission deadline for this and all other sessions is
Thursday, 4 August 2011 at 11:59 p.m. Eastern Daylight Time. To submit
an abstract, you must enter the first author's current AGU member ID and
password at:

For further information, please contact:
Ronald Daanen
Email: rdaanen [at]

Reginald Muskett
Email: reginald.muskett [at]