
Multiple Publications Available

  1. New Book Available
    Polar Bears: The Natural History of a Threatened Species
    By: Ian Stirling
    Fitzhenry and Whiteside Publishing

  2. New Newsletter Available
    Polar Research Board

  1. New Book Available
    Polar Bears: The Natural History of a Threatened Species
    By: Ian Stirling
    Fitzhenry and Whiteside Publishing

A new book entitled "Polar Bears: The Natural History of a Threatened
Species" is available. It was written by Ian Stirling and is issued by
Fitzhenry and Whiteside Publishing.

In the short space of 150,000 years, the polar bear has evolved from a
grizzly bear into the most specialized predator of the arctic sea ice.
Through behavioral, morphological, and physiological changes in a
remarkably short period of time, the polar bear has become totally
adapted to living comfortably in one of the harshest environments on the
planet. Yet the very survival of this unique mammal is now threatened by
global climate change.

Author Ian Stirling compresses the major new discoveries of the last 40
years of research on this iconic arctic mammal into an easily readable
and scientifically comprehensive book about the ecology and natural
history of polar bears. In an accessible non-technical style, he
explains how polar bears evolved, how researchers study them, aspects of
their behavior, how they prey and live on various marine mammals, how
the seals and bears have evolved in response to each other, and how,
specifically, they have come to be threatened by climate change.

For further information on the book and author, or to order a copy,
please go to:

  1. New Newsletter Available
    Polar Research Board

The Polar Research Board (PRB) of the U.S. National Academy of Sciences
is pleased to announce a periodic e-newsletter to help keep the polar
community informed of work at the PRB and elsewhere within the National

PRB expects to send updates three times a year or less, and may add
other features as it evolves. If you are interested and would like to
subscribe, please contact Lauren Brown (labrown [at] or sign up at:

The first issue of the newsletter is now available at: Future issues will also be
posted at that web address.

For further information, please go to:

Or contact:
Lauren Brown
Email: labrown [at]