
Multiple Meeting Announcements

  1. Registration Available
    ICSU Polar Science Symposium
    23-24 September 2011
    Siena, Italy

  2. Registration Available
    20th International Conference on Bear Research and Management
    17-23 July 2011
    Ottawa, Ontario, Canada

  3. Call for Abstracts
    10th Ny-Alesund Seminar
    25-26 October 2011
    Kjeller, Norway

  1. Registration Available
    ICSU Polar Science Symposium
    23-24 September 2011
    Siena, Italy

Registration is available for the International Council for Science
(ICSU) two-day symposium entitled "Research Urgencies in the Polar
Regions and their Links to the ICSU Grand Challenges in Global
Sustainability." Meeting prior to the ICSU General Assembly in Rome,
this symposium will be held 23-24 September 2011 in Siena, Italy.

The symposium will address all aspects of polar science, with a focus on
the functioning of the earth system in the Arctic and Antarctic, the
major drivers of pervasive change, and the as yet unaddressed research
issues in these regions. These issues will be considered within the
context of the ICSU Grand Challenges in Global Sustainability framework
and the research priorities of the Scientific Committee on Antarctic
Research (SCAR), the International Arctic Science Committee (IASC), the
International Association of Cryospheric Sciences (IACS), and other ICSU
unions and interdisciplinary scientific bodies with interests in polar

Invited speakers will outline the major current global challenges and
changes in terrestrial and oceanic domains in the polar regions and
highlight how these are linked to the ICSU research priorities. A panel
session, involving representatives from a range of ICSU bodies, will
discuss the relevance of these issues to their organizations' research
priorities and to the overall ICSU research strategy.

Registration deadline: Wednesday, 20 July 2011.

For further information about the symposium, please go to:

  1. Registration Available
    20th International Conference on Bear Research and Management
    17-23 July 2011
    Ottawa, Ontario, Canada

The 20th International Conference on Bear Research and Management will
be held 17-23 July 2011 in Ottawa, Ontario, Canada. Registration is now
available. The conference is coordinated by the International
Association for Bear Research and Management.

Session themes for the conference will include:

- Bears and climate change;
- Ecology and behavior of polar bears;
- Aboriginal and traditional knowledge of bears; and
- Human-bear conflict/human dimensions.

Planned workshops include:

- Climate change effects on bear species;
- Spatially-explicit capture-recapture population estimation;
- Facilitating collaborative partnerships to improve bear research,
conservation, and husbandry of captive and free-ranging bears; and
- Large enclosures for captive bears.

Details on the conference program, accommodations, and registration are
available at:

  1. Call for Abstracts
    10th Ny-Alesund Seminar
    25-26 October 2011
    Kjeller, Norway

The 10th Ny-Alesund Seminar will be held 25-26 October 2011 at the
Lillestrom Centre of Expertise in Kjeller, Norway. The meeting is
organized by the Norwegian Institute for Air Research (NILU).

The seminar intends to bring together scientists who have Ny-Alesund as
a base for their research. The aim of the two-day meeting is to exchange
experiences and share advancements from research and monitoring
activities in the Arctic. The meeting wants to encourage collaborations
between researchers related to the following flagship programs:

- Kongsfjord System Flagship
- Atmospheric Research Flagship
- Terrestrial System Flagship
- Glaciology Flagship

The conference is now accepting abstracts. Presentations from recent and
ongoing 2011 campaigns are welcome. All submissions will be considered
for oral presentations and posters, but authors are welcome to indicate
a preference upon submittal.

Abstract deadline: 1 September 2011.

For further information, please go to: