
U.S. Fulbright Arctic Chair to Norway

Application deadline: Monday, 1 August 2011

For more information about this award and how to apply, go to:

Or contact:
Rena Levin
Email: rena [at]

A Fulbright Arctic Chair Award for the 2012-2013 academic year is
available to researchers in fields related to polar and high north
issues, including but not limited to geology, biology, geophysics,
engineering, and environmental science. A PhD and U.S. citizenship are
required. A similar award has been advertised for a Norwegian
lecturer/researcher to conduct research in the U.S.

The grant includes a research/teaching component within areas of polar
and arctic issues based at the University Centre in Svalbard (UNIS) or
at one of the four Norwegian universities (in Oslo, Bergen, Trondheim,
and Tromso) that jointly govern UNIS; details on the research areas
can be found at: The
Chair is also expected to engage with faculty inside and outside the
host institution, give public lectures, lead seminars, and supervise and
mentor Master's and PhD candidates. The Chair will be invited to present
at the annual Transatlantic Science Week conference in the United States.

Application deadline: Monday, 1 August 2011.

For more information about this award and how to apply, go to:

Or contact:
Rena Levin
Email: rena [at]