
Multiple Resources Available

  1. Special Issue Available
    Marine Biodiversity

  2. Report Available
    Oil Transport from the Russian Part of the Barents Region

  3. 2nd Arctic Invertebrate Key Published
    Illustrated Keys to Free-Living Invertebrates of Eurasian Arctic Seas
    and Adjacent Deep Waters

  1. Special Issue Available
    Marine Biodiversity

A special issue in the Springer journal Marine Biodiversity (Vol 41-1)
was published in March 2011 under the umbrella of the Census of Marine
Life's Arctic Ocean Diversity project. International author teams from
10 countries and more than 25 institutions contributed 10 articles
covering 210 pages and spanning microbes to marine mammals on a
pan-scale. The issue is available at:

Most articles contain new synthetic numerical analyses, as well as
reviews of current knowledge, contemporary perspectives, and several
presently expected future scenarios. Many include pan-arctic species
inventories by realm and regions, and provide an urgently needed
assessment of current diversity patterns that can be used for evaluating
the effects of climate change and anthropogenic activities in the
Arctic. The Arctic Register of Marine Species containing most of these
inventories is now available at: The
majority of taxon distribution records underlying the register (and the
papers in this issue) are available through the Ocean Biogeographic
Information System (OBIS, and the Arctic Ocean
Diversity project's webportal (

  1. Report Available
    Oil Transport from the Russian Part of the Barents Region

A new report entitled "Oil Transport from the Russian Part of the
Barents Region" is available to download via PDF at: The report is the fifth in a
series, with previous reports released in 2003, 2005, 2007, and 2009.

The report is a joint project of the Norwegian Barents Secretariat and
Akvaplan-niva, with participation from Bioforsk Svanhovd. The purpose of
the updated version is to provide the reader with new and additional
information about oil and gas resources and transportation routes in the
Russian and Norwegian Arctic, both at general and concrete levels. The
logistics of oil deliveries for export through the Barents Sea is being
continuously developed. This report gives the current status of
terminals and schemes of transportation for oil and gas products through
the Barents Sea. The report presents the dynamics of cargo volumes
shipped through the end of 2010, and oil transport development prospects
in the northern regions of both Russia and Norway. Moreover, it looks at
the Barents export channel for oil and gas in the perspective of
developing the hydrocarbon production and transportation system in
Russia in general. Issues of environmental safety of the oil shipment
and Norwegian-Russian cooperation in oil pollution prevention are also
studied. The facts of the report have been discussed with authorities,
companies, research institutes, and environmental non-governmental
organizations in Russia and Norway.

  1. 2nd Arctic Invertebrate Key Published
    Illustrated Keys to Free-Living Invertebrates of Eurasian Arctic Seas
    and Adjacent Deep Waters
    Alaska Sea Grant College Program

The Alaska Sea Grant College Program (Fairbanks, USA), in cooperation
with the Zoological Institute, Russian Academy of Sciences (St.
Petersburg, Russia) has released the second volume of their Arctic
Invertebrate Key, "Illustrated Keys to Free-Living Invertebrates of
Eurasian Arctic Seas and Adjacent Deep Waters." The volume was edited by
G.N. Buzhinskaja and contains species identification keys for: Nemertea,
Priapulida, Kinorhyncha, Oligochaeta, Hirudinida, Pogonophora, Echiura,
Sipuncula, Phoronida, and Brachiopoda.

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