
Multiple Meeting Announcements

  1. Registration and Travel Support Available
    ESRC Seminar Series, Seminar 4
    12 May 2011
    Liverpool, England

  2. Symposium Announcement and Call for Expression of Interest
    ICSU Polar Science Symposium
    23-24 September 2011
    Siena, Italy

  1. Registration and Travel Support Available
    ESRC Seminar Series, Seminar 4
    12 May 2011
    Liverpool, England

Organizers announce open registration for Seminar 4 of the Economic and
Social Research Council's (ESRC) seminar series, "Knowledges, Resources,
and Legal Regimes: The New Geopolitics of the Polar Regions." Seminar 4
will be held on Thursday, 12 May 2011 at the Foresight Centre in
Liverpool, England.

Seminar 4, entitled "Subsidiarity, Indigenous Self-determination and
Other Peoples of the Polar Regions," will include speakers David
Anderson, University of Tromso; Martina Tyrrell, Open University; Damien
Desgeorges, Paris Descartes University; Jeppe Strandsbjerg, Copenhagen
Business School; and Berit Kristoffersen, University of Tromso.
Registration and coffee will start at 9:30 a.m. and the sessions will
start at 10:00 a.m. BST (GMT +1).

Attendance at all events is free and open to all those interested in the
polar regions. Prior registration is required. To register, please
contact Richard Powell (richard.powell [at]

Registration deadline: Sunday, 8 May 2011.

Funding is available to support travel costs for postgraduates,
postdoctoral fellows, and early career researchers attending the
seminar. Previous grant applicants for the seminars should send an email
confirming that they wish to attend again. New applicants should send
full name, position, contact details, a statement of research interests
and why they wish to attend the seminar (50 words maximum) to Richard
Powell (richard.powell [at]

Travel support application deadline: Monday, 2 May 2011.

For further information on the previous seminars in the series, and
details on travelling to the Foresight Centre, please go to:

For questions, please contact:
Richard Powell
Email: richard.powell [at]

Klaus Dodds
Email: K.Dodds [at]

  1. Symposium Announcement and Call for Expression of Interest
    ICSU Polar Science Symposium
    23-24 September 2011
    Siena, Italy

The International Council for Science (ICSU) will hold a two-day
symposium entitled "Research Urgencies in the Polar Regions and their
Links to the ICSU Grand Challenges in Global Sustainability." Meeting
prior to the ICSU General Assembly in Rome, this symposium will be held
23-24 September 2011 in Siena, Italy.

The symposium will address all aspects of polar science, with a focus on
the functioning of the earth system in the Arctic and Antarctic, the
major drivers of pervasive change, and the as yet unaddressed research
issues in these regions. These issues will be considered within the
context of the ICSU Grand Challenges in Global Sustainability framework
and the research priorities of the Scientific Committee on Antarctic
Research (SCAR), the International Arctic Science Committee (IASC), the
International Association of Cryospheric Sciences (IACS), and other ICSU
unions and interdisciplinary scientific bodies with interests in polar

Invited speakers will outline the major current global challenges and
changes in terrestrial and oceanic domains in the polar regions and
highlight how these are linked to the ICSU research priorities. A panel
session, involving representatives from a range of ICSU bodies, will
discuss the relevance of these issues to their organizations' research
priorities and to the overall ICSU research strategy.

September is the high season in Siena and accommodation should be
blocked in advance. Those persons planning to attend the symposium
should send an expression of interest including information on date of
arrival and departure to: muller [at]

Expression of interest deadline: Tuesday, 10 May 2011.

For further information about the symposium, please go to: