
Webinars Available
Antarctic New Investigators
National Science Foundation
Antarctic Sciences Division

For further information, please email:
newinvestigator [at]

The National Science Foundation (NSF) is hosting a series of webinars to
provide NSF investigators who are new to the Antarctic program with an
overview of the different Antarctic Division science programs and the
Antarctic Infrastructure and Logistics requirements for proposals that
include fieldwork in Antarctica. The series is being offered for
researchers who are considering applying to the upcoming NSF Antarctic
Solicitation (NSF 11-532, target date 6 June 2011).

Each Webinar will run from 2:00-4:00 p.m. Eastern Daylight Time. The
schedule is as follows:

- Wednesday, 13 April: Overview of the Antarctic Division, followed
by overviews of Glaciology, Earth Sciences, and Oceans &
- Thursday, 14 April: Overviews of Organisms and Ecosystems,
Astrophysics & Geospace Sciences, and Integrated System Science,
followed by a discussion of the new items necessary for the 2011
solicitation (e.g., data management plans).
- Thursday, 21 April: Overview of logistics details needed for a
proposal (e.g., information to be included on Operational
Requirements Worksheets (ORW) within your proposal; what to budget
for, and what not to budget for; how to fill out a ship request
form; how to do a reasonably good job estimating fixed wing needs;
and what the different Antarctic sample repositories are, as well as
how to get samples from them).
- Friday, 22 April: Overview of what happens once you've been
funded (e.g., explanation of the Support Information Package (SIP)
and instructions on its completion; what happens in Christchurch or
Punta Arenas; and what happens once on the ice).

Up to 100 participants can be accommodated on any day, and you can sign
up for as many as all four or as few as one of the seminars. NSF plans
to allow time for questions within each webinar, and also plans to
archive the webinars for future viewing opportunities. To register,
please send an email to: newinvestigator [at] Include the following

- Name
- Affiliation
- Career stage (grad student, post-doc, first time PI, co-PI etc)
- Dates of participation
- Any other topics you'd like discussed

You should receive confirmation of your request within 48-72 hours of

For further information, please email:
newinvestigator [at]