
Multiple Calls for Submissions

  1. Call for Contributions - Northern Notes, Spring/Summer 2011
    International Arctic Social Sciences Association

  2. Call for Submissions - Polar Diplomacy: Energy, the Environment,
    and Emergent Cooperation in the Arctic and Antarctic
    Editors: Rebecca H. Pincus and Saleem H. Ali

  1. Call for Contributions - Northern Notes, Spring/Summer 2011
    International Arctic Social Sciences Association

The International Arctic Social Sciences Association (IASSA) invites
contributions for the next issue of the Northern Notes Newsletter.
Contributions are invited from both members and non-members of the
association on issues of interest to arctic social scientists.
Contributions must be submitted no later than Friday, 29 April 2011 to
IASSA secretary Lara Olafsdottir (iassa [at]

Northern Notes is published on the web by the IASSA secretariat twice a
year with a Spring/Summer and a Fall/Winter issue, and is available to
all web users. To view past issues of Northern Notes please go to:

Contributions to Northern Notes may include special features on issues
and topics of interest to arctic social scientists; announcements of
meetings, workshops, or conferences; news about upcoming activities;
information about new publications; and announcements of new websites
and links of interest. IASSA invites contributions for the following
standard categories of the Northern Notes newsletter:

- Features: Contributions on issues and research activities of
interest to the arctic social science community, including new
research, current and upcoming research activities, and events.
- Departments:
   - Conferences, Workshops, and Meetings
   - Announcements
   - New Publications
   - On the Web
   - Exhibitions
   - News from Members
   - Funding Opportunities

Please send the following details with your article or announcement:

- Name and affiliation of the author
- Book announcements: Complete title, publishing details,
distributor, and ISBN/ISSN number
- Film: Distributor or link, and all release details
- Photos, logos, etc., if applicable

Submission deadline: Friday, 29 April 2011.

For further information, please contact:
Lara Olafsdottir
Email: iassa [at]

  1. Call for Submissions - Polar Diplomacy: Energy, the Environment,
    and Emergent Cooperation in the Arctic and Antarctic
    Editors: Rebecca H. Pincus and Saleem H. Ali

Editors of a volume entitled "Polar Diplomacy: Energy, the Environment,
and Emergent Cooperation in the Arctic and Antarctic" announce a call
for submissions. The volume will be sponsored by the Institute for
Environmental Diplomacy and Security at the University of Vermont, and
has generated strong interest from several academic presses.

This edited volume will fill a gap in the current polar literature by
synthesizing several divergent strands of scholarship into a coherent
and cogent whole, thereby painting a comprehensive picture of the past,
present, and future of intergroup interaction in the polar environment.
It is critical to understand past conflict and cooperation at the poles
in order to improve and manage the approaching increase in polar use,
contact, and potential for conflict.

In addition, the variety of stakeholders interacting at the poles, as
well as the variety of interests they pursue, make for fascinating
insights for all students of conflict and diplomacy. Native groups,
scientists, corporate interests across multiple sectors (energy,
minerals, fish, tourism), diverse government agencies, and nonprofits
all interact at the poles, often crisscrossing in pursuit of divergent
and sometimes directly conflicting goals.

The editors seek fresh scholarship on polar diplomacy topics across
three sections:

- Diplomacy and Science in Historical Perspective;
- Functioning Means of Polar Diplomacy; and
- Scenarios for Polar Cooperation in the Age of Climate Change.

Proposed chapter titles and abstracts (150-word maximum) are due Sunday,
1 May 2011. Decisions will be made by the first of June, and final
chapter submissions are due 1 October 2011.

Submission deadline: Sunday, 1 May 2011.

For further information or to submit an abstract, please contact:
Rebecca Pincus
Email: rpincus1 [at]