
Multiple Meeting Announcements

  1. Session Announcement and Call for Abstracts
    C40 - The Changing Cryosphere and its Role in the Climate System
    WCRP Open Science Conference
    24-28 October 2011
    Denver, Colorado

  2. Conference Announcement
    4th Symposium on the Impacts of an Ice-Diminishing Arctic on Naval
    and Maritime Operations
    20-22 June 2011
    Washington, D.C.

  3. Conference Announcement
    INCHR Annual Meeting and Scientific Sessions
    14-15 June 2011
    Oulu, Finland

  1. Session Announcement and Call for Abstracts
    C40 - The Changing Cryosphere and its Role in the Climate System
    WCRP Open Science Conference
    24-28 October 2011
    Denver, Colorado

Organizers of session C40, entitled "The Changing Cryosphere and its
Role in the Climate System," announce a call for abstracts. This poster
session will be convened at the World Climate Research Programme (WCRP)
Open Science Conference, scheduled for 24-28 October 2011 in Denver,

Numerous aspects of the cryosphere have undergone significant change
over the historical record. These include retreating mountain glaciers,
dramatic reductions in arctic sea ice, declining terrestrial snow cover,
widespread thawing of permafrost, and changes in the mass budget of
large ice sheets. Climate models project that these changes will
continue and likely accelerate in the near future. The climate effects
of this cryospheric change are considerable. For example, the
amplification of arctic temperature change is associated with
large-scale surface albedo change resulting from declines in snow and
sea ice cover. Additionally, changes in extreme events will likely
result from further cryospheric change. An important gap in our current
understanding of cryospheric climate dynamics is the role of feedbacks
in amplifying or attenuating change.

The aim of this session is to discuss ongoing and projected changes in
the cryosphere and their influence on the climate system. Papers
discussing teleconnections of polar climate changes to mid- and
low-latitudes are also welcome.

Abstract submission deadline: Saturday, 30 April 2011.
Financial Assistance deadline: Thursday, 31 March 2011.

To submit an abstract, please go to:

For further information on the WCRP Conference, please go to:

For further information on session C40, please contact:
Marika Holland
Email: mholland [at]

  1. Conference Announcement
    4th Symposium on the Impacts of an Ice-Diminishing Arctic on Naval
    and Maritime Operations
    20-22 June 2011
    Washington, D.C.

The 4th Symposium on the Impacts of an Ice-Diminishing Arctic on Naval
and Maritime Operations, co-hosted by the U.S. National Ice Center (NIC)
and the U.S. Arctic Research Commission (USARC), will be held 20-22 June
2011 at the Navy Memorial Naval Heritage Center in Washington, D.C.

This symposium addresses present and future impacts of rapid changes in
Arctic Ocean sea ice cover on a wide range of maritime operations. The
forum, the fourth in a series, is a key opportunity for federal entities
to discuss their response to changes in both the arctic environment and
associated policies. A history of the previous meetings and a list of
topics that may be discussed are both available at:

The symposium provides a unique high-level overview of the latest
activities and plans of key agencies in response to an increasingly
accessible Arctic Ocean. It also serves to further publicize results and
outcomes from efforts such as the Arctic Marine Shipping Assessment
(AMSA) and the CNO Naval War College Global Shipping Game. As in prior
symposia, the 2011 gathering will continue to provide an opportunity to
review changes in arctic sea ice conditions observed over the previous
two years, evaluate advances in sea ice seasonal and climate forecast
model predictions, and discuss the impact of environmental conditions on
naval and maritime operations.

Registration, program and logistic information for the three-day
symposium will be available at:

  1. Conference Announcement
    INCHR Annual Meeting and Scientific Sessions
    14-15 June 2011
    Oulu, Finland

The International Network for Circumpolar Health Research (INCHR) Annual
General Meeting (AGM) will take place 14-15 June 2011 in Oulu, Finland.
The program consists of a Sami Health workshop and INCHR Scientific
Sessions with oral and poster presentations, plus an INCHR General
Assembly. New members are welcome, and membership applications will be
available at the meeting.

The registration fee of 75 Euros includes lunch, coffee, and congress
material. Detailed information about the program, registration,
accommodation, and abstract submission can be found from at:

Abstract submission deadline: Friday, 1 April 2011.
Registration deadline: Friday, 15 May 2011.

For further information, please go to:

Or contact:
Hannele Savela
Email: hannele.savela [at]