
Survey Announcement
Committee on Future Science Opportunities in the Antarctic
and Southern Ocean
National Research Council

Deadline: Monday, 11 April 2011

To complete the survey, please click on the 'Survey on Future Science
Opportunities' link at:

For further information, please contact:
Lauren Brown
Email: LBrown2 [at]

The Committee on Future Science Opportunities in the Antarctic and
Southern Ocean of the National Research Council (NRC) requests that
members of the Antarctic science community complete a short survey. The
survey can be accessed by clicking on the 'Survey on Future Science
Opportunities' link at:

At the request of the National Science Foundation and the Office of
Science and Technology Policy, and under the auspices of the National
Academy of Sciences, the committee is charged with identifying the major
scientific questions that will drive future research in Antarctica and
the surrounding Southern Ocean over the next two decades. The survey
provides the community with an opportunity to identify the most
important Antarctic science questions, both within individual
disciplines and across all research disciplines.

The committee aims to build on the work of other organizations and
recent scientific achievements (including IPY activities and previous
workshops and reports) to identify likely changes to the types and foci
of scientific research programs for the United States. The committee
will examine opportunities for international Antarctic scientific
collaborations, report on new and emerging technologies, and comment on
the broad logistical capabilities and technologies that (from a science
perspective) need to be improved. This report will inform a concurrent
NSF Blue Ribbon Panel that will examine future logistical operations in
Antarctica. For the statement of task and a list of committee members,

Deadline: Monday, 11 April 2011.

To complete the survey, please click on the 'Survey on Future Science
Opportunities' link at:

For further information, please contact:
Lauren Brown
Email: LBrown2 [at]