
Multiple Resources Available

  1. Weekly News Digest Available
    Antarctic Science Web Resource (ANSWER)
    U.S. Scientific Committee on Antarctic Research

  2. Newsletter Available
    APECS March 2011
    Association of Polar Early Career Scientists

  3. New Book Available
    Exploration History and Place Names of Northern East Greenland
    By: Anthony K. Higgins
    Geological Survey of Denmark and Greenland (GEUS)

  4. Journal Available
    March 2011 Issue of the Journal ARCTIC
    Arctic Institute of North America

  1. Weekly News Digest Available
    Antarctic Science Web Resource (ANSWER)
    U.S. Scientific Committee on Antarctic Research

The Antarctic Science Web Resource (ANSWER) is a weekly digest
containing items of interest to polar scientists and enthusiasts with a
special emphasis on Antarctica and the Southern Ocean. ANSWER is
provided free of charge to the community by the U.S. Scientific
Committee on Antarctic Research (SCAR).

Announcements include information on meetings, job opportunities,
postdoctoral appointments, funding of all types, news, and any other
items that may be of interest to the polar community. Subscribers can
easily scan a few-line description of all announcements in any given
week's digest, then find more information on the items they are
interested in by clicking on the "Read More" tab. To read the full
articles, click on the link with each story or find them on the digest

ANSWER is published every Tuesday. To submit an article, please email:
m-kennicutt [at] To subscribe to the news digest, please email:
jrumford [at] To unsubscribe, send an email with the word
UNSUBSCRIBE in the subject line or the text to: jrumford [at]

For further information, please go to:

For comments on the website or digest format, please email:
jrumford [at]

  1. Newsletter Available
    APECS Newsletter: March 2011
    Association of Polar Early Career Scientists

The March 2011 issue of the Association of Polar Early Career Scientists
(APECS) newsletter is available online.

APECS is all about building a network of enthusiastic polar researchers,
and regardless of area of interest, fieldwork motivates and excites many
individuals engaged in the polar sciences. The March newsletter focuses
on fieldwork and how APECS can help researchers get into the field and
get the most out of the experience. The newsletter download, as well as
an introductory note from APECS President Allen Pope, can be found at:

Contents include a Message from the Director entitled "Troll Station -
Dronning Maud Land Antarctica," a Feature Section with articles on the
theme of "Students on Ice," and articles in each of the following

- APECS News and Updates
- Meetings and Workshops
- Partner News
- Career Development Webinars
- New Submissions to the Virtual Poster Session
- Jobs and Opportunities
- New Members

To download the newsletter, please go to:

For further information, please email:
apecsinfo [at]

  1. New Book Available
    Exploration History and Place Names of Northern East Greenland
    By: Anthony K. Higgins
    Geological Survey of Denmark and Greenland (GEUS)

A new book entitled "Exploration History and Place Names of Northern
East Greenland" is available. It was written by Anthony K. Higgins and
is issued by the Geological Survey of Denmark and Greenland (GEUS).

The book is an account of nearly all expeditions to northern East
Greenland from 2400 BC, when the first humans visited the region, to AD
2008. It contains a list of 5,650 place names, supplied with
descriptions of the origin and information about the names of those who
'baptized' the locations. All names are indicated on detailed maps.

For further information or to obtain the book in either printed or
electronic format, please go to:

  1. Journal Available
    March 2011 Issue of the Journal ARCTIC
    Arctic Institute of North America

The Arctic Institute of North America (AINA) announces publication of
the March 2011 issue of the journal ARCTIC, Volume 64, Number 1. A
non-profit membership organization and multidisciplinary research
institute of the University of Calgary, AINA's mandate is to advance the
study of the North American and circumpolar Arctic through the natural
and social sciences, as well as the arts and humanities, and to acquire,
preserve, and disseminate information on physical, environmental, and
social conditions in the North. Created as a binational corporation in
1945, the Institute's United States Corporation is housed at the
University of Alaska Fairbanks.

The following papers appear in the March 2011 issue of ARCTIC:

"Range Selection by Semi-Domesticated Reindeer (Rangifer tarandus
tarandus) in Relation to Infrastructure and Human Activity in the Boreal
Forest Environment, Northern Finland"
By: Marja Anttonen, Jouko Kumpula, and Alfred Colpaert

"Acoustic Detections of Beluga Whales in the Northeastern Chukchi Sea,
July 2007 to July 2008"
By: Julien Delarue, Marjo Laurinolli, and Bruce Martin

"Freshwater and Terrestrial Algae from Ny-Alesund and Blomstrandhalvoya
Island (Svalbard)"
By: Gwang Hoon Kim, Tatyana A. Klochkova, Jong Won Han, Sung-Ho Kang,
Han Gu Choi, Ki Wha Chung, and Song Ja Kim

"Breeding Ecology of Birds at Teshekpuk Lake: A Key Habitat Site on the
Arctic Coastal Plain of Alaska"
By: J.R. Liebezeit, G.C. White, and S. Zack

"Hydrographic Changes in Nares Strait (Canadian Arctic Archipelago) in
Recent Decades Based on [delta]18O Profiles of Bivalve Shells"
By: Marta E. Torres, Daniela Zima, Kelly K. Falkner, Robie W. Macdonald,
Mary O'Brien, Bernd R. Schone, and Tim Siferd

"Benthic Biomonitoring in Arctic Tundra Streams: A Community-Based
Approach in Iqaluit, Nunavut, Canada"
By: A.S. Medeiros, C.E. Luszczek, J. Shirley, and R. Quinlan

"Ways to Help and Ways to Hinder: Governance for Effective Adaptation to
an Uncertain Climate"
By: Philip A. Loring, S. Craig Gerlach, David E. Atkinson, and Maribeth
S. Murray

"Community Perspectives on the Impact of Climate Change on Health in
Nunavut, Canada"
By: G.K. Healey, K.M. Magner, R. Ritter, R. Kamookak, A. Aningmiuq, B.
Issaluk, K. Mackenzie, L. Allardyce, A. Stockdale, and P. Moffit

"Spatial Variability of the Dominant Climate Signal in Cassiope
Tetragona from Sites in Arctic Canada"
By: Shelly A. Rayback, Andrea Lini, and Gregory H.R. Henry

The March 2011 issue also contains five book reviews, as well as two
obituaries: one for Marie Sanderson, by Philip Howarth; and one for
David Damas, by Emoke J.E. Szathmary. The March 2011 InfoNorth essay,
"Environmental Change and Traditional Use of the Old Crow Flats in
Northern Canada: An IPY Opportunity to Meet the Challenges of the New
Northern Research Paradigm," was written by Brent B. Wolfe, Murray M.
Humphries, Michael F.J. Pisaric, Ann M. Balasubramaniam, Chris R. Burn,
Laurie Chan, Dorothy Cooley, Duane G. Froese, Shel Graupe, Roland I.
Hall, Trevor Lantz, Trevor J. Porter, Pascale Roy-Leveillee, Kevin W.
Turner, Sonia D. Wesche, and Megan Williams.

For information on becoming an AINA member and receiving the journal,
please visit the Institute's website at: