
Session Proposals Invited
American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting
5-9 December 2011
San Francisco, California

Session proposal deadline: Wednesday, 20 April 2011

For further information, please go to:

The American Geophysical Union (AGU) is currently accepting proposals
for the 2011 Fall Meeting. The meeting will be held 5-9 December 2011
in San Francisco, California.

Proposals may be submitted to only one discipline. Conveners may
identify other sections/focus groups as potential session cosponsors.
Proposals must focus on scientific results and/or their applications,
and session descriptions must concisely define the science issue and
explain why it is topical. Further details on submitting a session
proposal are available at:

Due to the increasing numbers of presentations and attendees at the AGU
Fall Meeting, the session proposal and abstract submission deadlines
have been moved forward for 2011. Session proposals will be accepted
through Wednesday, 20 April 2011. Abstract submissions will open 8 June
2011 and close 4 August 2011.

Session proposal deadline: Wednesday, 20 April 2011.

For further information, please go to: