
Multiple Calls for Abstracts

  1. First Call for Abstracts
    Data Management and Local Knowledge: Building a Network to Support
    Community-Based Research and Monitoring
    15-17 November 2011
    Boulder, Colorado

  2. Final Call for Abstracts
    Classrooms for Climate: A Symposium on the Changing Chugach,
    Northern Ecosystems, and the Implications for Science & Society
    5-7 May 2011
    Anchorage, Alaska

  3. Session Announcement and Call for Abstracts
    B11 - Cryosphere and Climate
    WCRP Open Science Conference
    24-28 October 2011
    Denver, Colorado

  4. Call for Abstracts
    Canada in a Unipolar World: New Directions for Canadian
    Foreign Policy?
    13-15 October 2011
    Lake Placid, New York

  1. First Call for Abstracts
    Data Management and Local Knowledge: Building a Network to Support
    Community-Based Research and Monitoring
    15-17 November 2011
    Boulder, Colorado

The Exchange for Local Observations and Knowledge of the Arctic (ELOKA)
is accepting abstracts for a three-day workshop entitled "Data
Management and Local Knowledge: Building a Network to Support
Community-Based Research and Monitoring." The workshop will be held
15-17 November 2011 in Boulder, Colorado.

The purpose of the workshop is to bring together researchers, community
members, organizations, and projects working on issues surrounding data
management for both Local and Traditional Knowledge (LTK) and
information from community-based research and monitoring. The workshop
will include:

- Presentations from a diverse group of projects working on
community-based research and monitoring, with emphasis on data
management (challenges, issues, questions, systems, etc.);
- Group discussions of key topics on the theme of data management,
local knowledge, and community-based research; and
- Discussions on continued development of an international network
on data management and local knowledge through collaboration and

ELOKA is accepting abstracts from individuals, organizations, projects,
and communities to present at the workshop. Organizers are interested in
projects and initiatives that work with LTK and are addressing data
management issues in some way--from asking questions about how to
archive data and information for future generations, to fully
operational data management systems. ELOKA is focused on the Arctic, but
also interested in receiving abstracts from any region in order to
exchange experiences and information.

All travel costs will be covered for a limited number of selected
abstracts. All participants will be expected to give a 15-20 minute
presentation on their work and be part of group discussion. If you are
interested in attending the workshop, please send an abstract (no more
than 500 words) about the relevant interest and/or work on data
management for LTK or community-based research to Heidi McCann
(heidi.mccann [at]

Submission deadline: Friday, 1 April 2011.

For the complete call for abstracts, please go to:

For questions, please contact:
Heidi McCann
Phone: 303-492-6069
Email: heidi.mccann [at]

  1. Final Call for Abstracts
    Classrooms for Climate: A Symposium on the Changing Chugach,
    Northern Ecosystems, and the Implications for Science & Society
    5-7 May 2011
    Anchorage, Alaska

Organizers for the upcoming "Classrooms for Climate: A Symposium on the
Changing Chugach, Northern Ecosystems, and the Implications for Science
& Society" conference announce a second and final call for abstracts.
The symposium will be held 5-7 May 2011 in Anchorage, Alaska and is
organized by the Chugach National Forest and the University of Alaska
Anchorage (UAA) in partnership with the Alaska Coastal Rainforest
Center, Alaska Geographic, and the Northern Forum.

The symposium will be focused on the ecosystems and people in Alaska's
boundary-region between the Arctic and the Pacific Northwest. This
region, centered on the Chugach National Forest, largely coincides with
the campuses of the University of Alaska Anchorage. The regional focus
includes the mountains, glaciers, wetlands, forests, rainforests, and
marine and freshwater environments proximate to the Gulf of Alaska. The
symposium will address the current state of biophysical and
socio-cultural knowledge of the region and its surroundings, in an
attempt to inform our education, policy, and partnerships.

The abstract submission deadline for talks is Friday, 11 March 2011.
Abstracts for poster sessions will continue to be accepted after 11
March. Accepted talks will be scheduled for 20-minute presentations
within concurrent sessions. A list of sessions currently accepting
abstracts for talks and posters is available by clicking the 'Current
Sessions Accepting Abstracts' link in the left-hand sidebar at:

Abstract submission deadline: Friday, 11 March 2011.
Discounted registration deadline: 15 April 2011.

Additional information and symposium registration are available at:

  1. Session Announcement and Call for Abstracts
    B11 - Cryosphere and Climate
    WCRP Open Science Conference
    24-28 October 2011
    Denver, Colorado

Organizers of session B11, entitled "Cryosphere and Climate," announce a
call for abstracts. The session will be convened at the World Climate
Research Programme (WCRP) Open Science Conference, scheduled for 24-28
October 2011 in Denver, Colorado.

The cryosphere, existing at all latitudes, represents the realm of
frozen water in the form of snow, sea ice, glaciers, ice sheets, and
permafrost. While much attention has been paid to characterizing and
understanding causes of recent change in the cryosphere, including
reductions in arctic sea ice extent, increased sea ice extent in
Antarctica, the mass balance of the Greenland and Antarctic ice sheets,
disintegration of large ice shelves, and warming and thawing of arctic
permafrost, the greater challenge that lies ahead is understanding the
feedbacks between these changes and the rest of the climate system as
well as projecting their impacts, both negative and positive, on
ecosystems and society.

This session encourages papers on: characterizing variability and
cryospheric change on relevant time and space scales; process studies to
refine our understanding of climate feedbacks involving surface albedo,
ice dynamics, atmospheric and oceanic circulation, and the carbon and
hydrologic cycles; and model simulations assessing the role of the
cryosphere as a driver of climate variability and change from regional
to global scales. Particular emphasis will be given to use of models and
observations in evaluating the societal consequences of these changes.

Abstract submission deadline: 30 April 2011.

To submit an abstract, please go to:

For further information on the WCRP Conference, please go to:

For further information on session B11, please contact:
Mark Serreze
Email: serreze [at]

Vladimir Kattsov
Email: kattsov [at]

  1. Call for Abstracts
    Canada in a Unipolar World: New Directions for Canadian
    Foreign Policy?
    13-15 October 2011
    Lake Placid, New York

A conference entitled "Canada in a Unipolar World: New Directions for
Canadian Foreign Policy?" will be held 13-15 October 2011 at the High
Peaks Resort in Lake Placid, New York.

The Center for the Study of Canada at the State University of New York
College at Plattsburgh, in partnership with Fulbright Canada and the
Canadian Foreign Policy Journal (CFPJ), are convening the conference to
examine and assess the relationship between the conduct of Canadian
foreign policy and the changing international political system.

Organizers invite submissions from junior academics, doctoral
candidates, and established scholars as well as practitioners. Selected
proceedings from the conference will be edited by the conference
coordinators and published as a special issue of the Canadian Foreign
Policy Journal in 2012.

Submission deadline: 15 April 2011.

To download the complete call for papers, click on the link available