
Multiple Positions Available

  1. University of Alaska Fairbanks seeks Graduate Students
    Atmospheric Sciences
    Fairbanks, Alaska

  2. Memorial University seeks Special Advisor
    Aboriginal Affairs
    St. John's, Newfoundland, Canada

    1. New York University seeks Candidates for Postdoctoral Fellowship
      Antarctic and Southern Ocean Regional Climate Modeling
      New York, New York

  1. University of Alaska Fairbanks seeks Graduate Students
    Atmospheric Sciences
    Fairbanks, Alaska

The College of Natural Science and Mathematics at the University of
Alaska Fairbanks is accepting applications for graduate student
scholarships in the Atmospheric Sciences. The positions will be based in
Fairbanks, Alaska.

There are openings for three highly qualified MS or PhD applicants
interested in pursing research with WRF/Chem (Weather Research and
Forecasting/Chemistry) on emission impacts on air quality in the
Fairbanks PM2.5 nonattainment area, interior Alaska, and Glacier Bay.
Students will have access to the Arctic Region Supercomputing Center and
data from observational networks. As many of the research activities are
carried out in close cooperation with scientists all over the world, the
students will gain international experience.

Applicants should have strong backgrounds in mathematics, physics, and
atmospheric sciences or related fields. For further information on the
Department of Atmospheric Sciences, interested students are encouraged
to visit: Application for admission
must be completed electronically, at:

For general admission information, contact:
Barbara Day
Email: atmos [at]

For further information on the research projects, contact:
Nicole Molders
Email: molders [at]

  1. Memorial University seeks Special Advisor
    Aboriginal Affairs
    St. John's, Newfoundland, Canada

Memorial University seeks applicants to the position of Special Advisor
for Aboriginal Affairs. The position is being offered for three years,
with the possibility of renewal.

The Special Advisor for Aboriginal Affairs is the lead executive person
for advancing the University's Aboriginal initiatives. This new position
will provide a well-marked point of access into the University for
external agencies. It is a ready and reliable point of high-level
institutional connection with Aboriginal students who need assistance
from the University. The Special Advisor will help a variety services
work well together, convene the Aboriginal Student Council. and be a
source of expert advocacy for Aboriginal students as they work to
maximize their ability to succeed.

Candidates should have experience living in Aboriginal communities;
knowledge of Newfoundland and Labrador; at least five years experience
leading Aboriginal services, programs, or policy development in a
similar organization; a completed doctorate; and eligibility for a
formal affiliation with an academic unit. Comparable work experience and
educational attainment will be considered.

For a complete description or to apply, please go to:

For further information, please email:
recruitment [at]

  1. New York University seeks Candidates for Postdoctoral Fellowship
    Antarctic and Southern Ocean Regional Climate Modeling
    New York, New York

The Center for Atmosphere Ocean Science, situated within the Courant
Institute of Mathematical Sciences at New York University (NYU), seeks
applicants to a postdoctoral fellowship in Antarctic and Southern Ocean
regional climate modeling. The position will be based in New York, New

The goal of the project is to understand mechanisms of interactive
coupling between the atmosphere, ocean, and sea ice on the mesoscale;
and how these mechanisms respond to, and potential feedback upon,
large-scale climate forcings. The project is supported under the Decadal
and Regional Climate Prediction using Earth System Models (EaSM)
initiative within the National Science Foundation (NSF). A primary duty
of the fellow will be to couple regional component models of the
atmosphere, ocean, and sea ice. The research will involve applying
reanalyses and large-scale climate model output to the regional model.

A PhD in the atmospheric, oceanic, or related sciences is required.
Experience in coupled climate modeling, or in the regional modeling of
the atmosphere, ocean, or sea ice is also necessary. Familiarity with
high-performance computing is desirable. The position is available as
part of a recently funded NSF collaborative effort between NYU, Ohio
State University, and Old Dominion University. The tentative start date
is 1 July 2011, but is flexible.

For further information, please contact:
David Holland
Email: Holland [at]

Ed Gerber
Email: gerber [at]