
Multiple Calls for Contributions

  1. Call for Nominations
    Martha T. Muse Prize for Science and Policy in Antarctica
    The Tinker Foundation and SCAR

  2. Call for Contributions
    Legacy and Lessons of the International Polar Year 2007-2008
    National Research Council

  3. Call for Nominations
    Advisory Panel
    North Pacific Research Board

  1. Call for Nominations
    Martha T. Muse Prize for Science and Policy in Antarctica
    The Tinker Foundation and SCAR

The Tinker Foundation and the Scientific Committee on Antarctic Research
(SCAR) invite nominations for the Martha T. Muse Prize for Science and
Policy in Antarctica.

The prize is a one time, unrestricted award of USD $100,000, presented
to an individual in any field of Antarctic science or policy, who has
demonstrated potential for sustained and significant contributions that
will enhance the understanding and/or preservation of Antarctica. The
Tinker Foundation's goal is to establish a prestigious award that
recognizes excellence in Antarctic research by honoring someone in the
early to mid-stages of their career. The Prize is inspired by Martha T.
Muse's passion for Antarctica and is intended to be a legacy of the
International Polar Year 2007-2008.

The prizewinner can be from any country and work in any field of
Antarctic science or policy, including climate change, life sciences,
geosciences, physical sciences, and Antarctic Politics. The goal is to
provide recognition of the important work being done by the individual
and to call attention to the significance of understanding Antarctica in
a time of change. The Prize is awarded by the Tinker Foundation and
administered by the Scientific Committee on Antarctic Research (SCAR).

Nomination deadline: 1 May 2011.

For further information or to submit a nomination, please go to:

  1. Call for Contributions
    Legacy and Lessons of the International Polar Year 2007-2008
    National Research Council

A committee formed by the National Research Council to write a report on
the Legacy and Lessons of the International Polar Year 2007-2008
requests community input.

The report will be U.S.-centric and will focus on the major advances
that occurred during the IPY. The committee has set up a survey to
gather input from the polar research community. The survey is an
opportunity to tell the committee what happened during this IPY--the
major breakthroughs in polar science and understanding, partnerships,
career changes, successes and challenges, and the lessons learned.

The committee has organized this topic into five subject areas:
Discoveries, People, Tools, Knowledge to Action, and Reflections. The
survey contains brief questions posed in each area; not all questions
may be applicable to your area of work. Most questions are posed to
identify 'step-changes' to gauge the transformative influence of this
IPY. For the purposes of the report, IPY is defined broadly as the
period of time from early 2007 to early 2009 and includes all activities
during that time.

Submission deadline: Tuesday, 15 March 2011.

To access the survey, please go to:

  1. Call for Nominations
    Advisory Panel
    North Pacific Research Board

The North Pacific Research Board (NPRB) seeks nominations for its
Advisory Panel.

The Advisory Panel serves as a bridge between knowledge derived through
scientific research and the experiential understanding gained over time
and shared by community members. This group represents broad
constituencies associated with Alaska coastal areas and users of the
marine environment. Advisory Panel members make recommendations to the
Board to help it accomplish its overall mission of fielding a
high-caliber, comprehensive research program that will improve our
understanding of the Gulf of Alaska, Bering Sea and Aleutian Islands,
and Arctic Ocean ecosystems and their fisheries; and help to sustain and
enhance the living marine resources.

The Board believes it is important to incorporate meaningful community
involvement throughout its science program, from planning to oversight
and review. The Advisory Panel has a significant advice-giving role,
with active involvement in setting research priorities and defining
questions, although it does not participate in reviewing research
proposals. Advisory Panel members serve three-year terms, with new terms
commencing on 9 April 2011. The Board covers travel, food, and lodging
when attending meetings.

Nominations and self-nominations for representation from the Arctic and
Bering Sea/Aleutian Islands may be submitted to the Board. Please
include a brief (one or two page) resume and full contact information,
including email address. Nominations may be submitted by email
(katie.blake [at] or regular mail to:

Katie Blake
North Pacific Research Board
1007 West 3rd Avenue, Suite 100
Anchorage, Alaska 99501

The Board will select new Advisory Panel members during the first week
of April 2011. The next scheduled Advisory Panel meeting will take place
26-27 April 2011 in Anchorage, Alaska.

Nomination deadline: Friday, 25 March 2011.

For more information about the Board, and its committees and activities,
please go to: