
PhD and Master's Positions Available
Plant Ecology
University of Iceland
Reykjavik, Iceland

Application deadline: Tuesday, 1 March 2011.

For further information, please contact:
Ingibjorg S. Jonsdottir
Email: isj [at]

The University of Iceland seeks to fill two positions in plant ecology,
at the faculty of Life and Environmental Sciences. There is one PhD
position and one Master's position open. Both will be based in
Reykjavik, Iceland.

PhD Position

The project will work on analyzing how vascular plant species diversity
is organized in space in relation to selected factors (e.g., grazing,
productivity) and how species pools affect these relationships.
Fieldwork will be conducted in Iceland and Northern Norway. The duration
of the project will be three years.

Applicants must have acquired a Master's degree or an equivalent
university degree, have good knowledge of ecology and statistical data
analysis, and possess solid skills in spoken and written English. Other
selection criteria will include knowledge of the vascular plant flora of
northern regions, skills in species identification, critical thinking
and analytical skills, and the ability to work independently as well as
in teamwork under variable conditions. The applicant should
preferentially have a driver's licence.

Master's Position

The project will study how bryophyte and lichen species diversity is
organized in space in relation to selected factors (e.g., grazing,
productivity). Fieldwork will be carried out in Iceland. The duration of
the Master's studies is two years.

Applicants must have a first university degree (BSc) and should
preferentially have basic knowledge in ecology and statistical data
analysis, as well as good skills in spoken and written English. Other
criteria used when evaluating applications will be experience in
bryophyte and/or lichen identification and the ability to work
independently as well as in teamwork under variable conditions. The
applicant should preferentially have a driver's licence.

Applications for either position must be emailed (starfsumsoknir [at]
and should include a letter stating the applicant's interest in the
project, a curriculum vitae, a copy of university diplomas with grade
information, and the names of two references.

Application deadline: Tuesday, 1 March 2011.

For further information, please contact:
Ingibjorg S. Jonsdottir
Email: isj [at]