
Multiple Meeting Announcements

  1. REMINDER: Workshop Announcement
    Evaluation of the Use of Hindcast Model Data for OSRA in a Period of
    Rapidly Changing Conditions
    29-31 March 2011
    McLean, Virginia

  2. Meeting Announcement
    Exxon Valdez Oil Spill Trustee Council
    Friday, 11 February 2011
    Anchorage, Alaska

  3. Call for Contributions
    Would you know more? Conversation on Roots
    19-21 June 2011
    Akureyri, Iceland

  1. REMINDER: Workshop Announcement
    Evaluation of the Use of Hindcast Model Data for OSRA in a Period of
    Rapidly Changing Conditions
    29-31 March 2011
    McLean, Virginia

On behalf of the Bureau of Ocean Energy Management, Regulation, and
Enforcement, (BOEMRE, formerly the Minerals Management Service),
organizers invite attendance at a workshop for a recently awarded
project, entitled "Evaluation of the Use of Hindcast Model Data for Oil
Spill Risk Analysis (OSRA) in a Period of Rapidly Changing Conditions."
The three-day workshop is planned for 29-31 March 2011 at the Science
Applications International Corporation (SAIC) Conference Center in
McLean, Virginia (just outside of Washington, DC).

The purpose of the project is to review the current status of
oceanographic knowledge in the Arctic and consider the effects that
climate change may be having on circulation patterns in the region,
particularly in the Beaufort, Bering, and Chukchi Seas. The overall goal
of the project is to assess meteorological forcing, ice motion, and
surface ocean current results from hindcast models and to recommend
scientific methodology to account for recent rapidly changing conditions
in the Arctic for the purposes of Oil Spill Risk Analysis (OSRA). SAIC
is the prime contractor for this project, and Heather Crowley is the
BOEMRE Project Manager.

The workshop objectives are as follows:

  • Review the current status of oceanographic knowledge in the
    Arctic, including existing research in Arctic Ocean modeling and the
    quality of available forcing data.
  • Describe the effects of climate change on sea ice, circulation,
    river discharge, etc., in the Arctic Ocean and the impacts of these
    changes on surface circulation.
  • Describe the attributes of hindcast data currently used for OSRA
    and the skill assessment against observations used to evaluate
    surface currents in the region.
  • Evaluate alternate approaches such as the incorporation of
    forecast modeling results in the OSRA process.
  • Develop scientific recommendations that BOEMRE will use as
    guidance to prepare studies in its planning process.

There is no charge to attend the workshop. A document on the project
background, a tentative agenda for the workshop, and a map of the
conference center are available online at:

For further information, please contact:
William Samuels
Email: william.b.samuels [at]

  1. Meeting Announcement
    Exxon Valdez Oil Spill Trustee Council
    Friday, 11 February 2011
    Anchorage, Alaska

The Exxon Valdez Oil Spill (EVOS) Trustee Council will meet by
teleconference on Friday, 11 February 2011, from 10:00 a.m. to 12:30
p.m. AKST at the EVOS office:

441 West 5th Avenue, Suite 500
Anchorage, Alaska

The meeting is open to the public. You may participate in person or by
phone at 1-800-315-6338, conference code 8205. An agenda and any other
relevant materials will be available at:

For more information, go to:

Or contact:
Cherri Womac
Phone: 907-278-8012
Toll Free: 800-478-7745
Email: cherri.womac [at]

  1. Call for Contributions
    Would you know more? Conversation on Roots
    19-21 June 2011
    Akureyri, Iceland

Organizers of a conference entitled "Would you know more? Conversation
on Roots" announce a call for contributions. The conference will be
convened 19-21 June 2011 in Akureyri, Iceland.

Presenters are welcome from all around the world, in all areas of life:
activists, artists, and academics. Organizers invite anyone who
recognizes the need for a conversation on roots, particularly on women's
cultural heritage. The main themes of the conference are as follows:

- Women's wisdom;
- Indigenous wisdom; and
- Nature and society in balance for future generations.

Presentations can be in words or actions, music or movements, happenings
or exhibitions, on any topic related to silenced wisdom or roots, and
their necessity for a life in balance for future generations. Stories,
poems, singing, dancing, and other artistic presentations, shamanic
dreaming, rituals, panel and poster presentations, cooking, weaving,
spinning, and formal academic papers are just a few examples of the
contributions organizers look forward to hosting and sharing.

Abstracts must be submitted via email (mardoll [at] by Tuesday,
15 February 2011. Submissions should be no longer than one page,
demonstrating what you would like to share and how it fits within the
theme. Please include:

- A title for your presentation or workshop;
- Any limitation on the number of participants;
- A list of any technology that will be required;
- A short (50-word) summary of your session for the conference
website; and
- A short (50-word) biography including information on your cultural

Submission deadline: Tuesday, 15 February 2011.

Registration, lodging, excursion, cost, and other information can be
found at:

Further information is available at: