
Multiple Graduate Courses Available

  1. Biotelemetry and Biologging
    University Studies on Svalbard
    Longyearbyen, Norway

  2. Arctic System Science
    National Environmental Research Institute
    Roskilde, Denmark

  1. Biotelemetry and Biologging
    University Studies on Svalbard
    Longyearbyen, Norway

The University Studies on Svalbard (UNIS) will offer a graduate course
in Biotelemetry and Biologging in May 2011. The course is for MSc and
PhD students, and will take place in Longyearbyen, Norway.

The course's objective is to introduce students to technologies and
procedures for biotelemetric and biologging studies. The course is
intended for graduate students working with projects involving field
studies of vertebrate taxa. The course will focus primarily on arctic
wildlife species. Course topics include:

- Basic principles for radio signal transmission and antenna theory;
- Telemetric technology, regulations, and management of frequencies;
- Ethics (animal welfare) in biotelemetry/biologging;
- Introduction to VHF-based telemetry and GPS-positioning systems in
- Telemetry and biologging equipment - a manufacturer's perspective;
- User issues - another manufacturer's perspective;
- Maps, mapping, and GPS technology - practical applications;
- Acoustic telemetry - methods and science questions;
- Range size, habitat use, etc. - storage and retrieval of data, and
the integration of animal tracks and terrestrial environmental data;
- An introduction to GIS tools;
- Design considerations/limitations in marine mammal biotelemetry;
- Biotelemetry and biologging with Svalbard's marine mammals;
- Linking marine mammal telemetry and the environment;
- Remote methods in sea bird research;
- Fish tracking;
- Physiological telemetry - applications and potential; and
- Looking into the future.

During the course, students will go into the field on several daylong
expeditions in boats and on snowmobiles. Safety training is provided at
the start of all course offerings at UNIS. Foreign student participation
is encouraged, and tuition is free in Norway. UNIS is highly
international and classes are conducted in English.

Application deadline: Tuesday, 15 February 2011.

For further details, please go to:

Or contact:
Ane Hammervoll Bjorsvik
Email: Ane.Hammervoll.Bjorsvik [at]

  1. Arctic System Science
    National Environmental Research Institute
    Roskilde, Denmark

The National Environmental Research Institute at Aarhus University is
offering a graduate course entitled Arctic System Science. The course
will be held 24 July - 1 August 2011 in Roskilde, Denmark.

This course is for the student with analytical interests in
understanding variations of concurrent biological and geophysical
processes in arctic ecosystems. Specifically, the course will provide
the student with a general analytical knowledge of how species' life
history, inter-trophic interactions, and geophysical processes vary over
time and space in relation to environmental changes including climate.

During the course, the student will get hands-on experience working with
and analyzing large, complex datasets through direct access to the huge
database provided by the long-term monitoring program at Zackenberg,
Northeast Greenland. The combination of a broad theoretical
understanding of how arctic ecosystems are structured and function,
together with specific analytical exercises using real data, will
provide the student with a solid foundation for the management of
natural resources in the Arctic.

For further details, please contact:
Mads C. Forchhammer
Email: mcf [at]