
Multiple Meeting Announcements

  1. Web Broadcast Available
    Arctic Frontiers Conference
    24-26 January 2011

  2. Abstract Deadline Extended
    Arctic Science Summit Week
    27 March - 1 April 2011
    Seoul, Korea

  3. Session Announcement and Call for Abstracts
    Air-Surface Interactions: Chemistry from Molecular to
    Global Climate Scales
    American Chemical Society National Meeting
    28 August - 1 September 2011
    Denver, Colorado

  1. Web Broadcast Available
    Arctic Frontiers Conference
    24-26 January 2011

Organizers of the Arctic Frontiers Conference, entitled "Arctic Tipping
Points," announce that presentations will be available live via an
online broadcast. There is no fee to join the broadcasts, which will be
available in both English and Russian. The complete web schedule and
links to the individual broadcasts are available by clicking on 'View
the broadcast schedule and links' at:

The conference, which will be convened in Tromso, Norway, supports open
and independent dialogue, builds partnerships, and contributes to the
discussion about pan-arctic political strategies for sustainable
development in the Arctic.

Arctic Frontiers is working to achieve the following:

- To increase attention and commitment to sustainable development of
the Arctic, particularly from the corporate sector.
- To build new partnerships across sectors, generations, and ethnic
- To offer a forum for delivering state of the art science to the
public and at the same time bringing the sociological, political,
and economic framework for management of the Arctic to the attention
of science.
- To develop new approaches and solutions to environmental
challenges caused by human activity.

For further information, please go to:

  1. Abstract Deadline Extended
    Arctic Science Summit Week
    27 March - 1 April 2011
    Seoul, Korea

Organizers announce that the abstract deadline for the Arctic Science
Summit Week 2011 has been extended. The new deadline is Monday, 31
January 2011. The meeting will be convened in Seoul, Korea on 27 March -
1 April 2011.

The Arctic Science Summit Week (ASSW) is the annual gathering of
international organizations engaged in supporting and facilitating
arctic research. The purpose is to provide opportunities for
international coordination, collaboration, and cooperation in all fields
of arctic science, and to combine science and management meetings. In
odd number years the ASSW includes a 3-day Science Symposium in addition
to the business meetings of the participating organizations.

The theme of the Science Symposium, held 29-31 March 2011 is "The
Arctic: New Frontier for Global Science." Science sessions include:

- Arctic Atmosphere, Climate Processes, and Teleconnections
- Arctic Change and Implications for Terrestrial Ecosystem Services
- Arctic Marine Climate Change: Causes and Impacts on the Marine
- State of Glaciers and Permafrost and Associated Feedbacks to the
Climate System
- Societal Changes in the Arctic and North-South Relations
- Ecosystem Responses to Climate Change: Past, Present, and Future
- State and Fate of Sea Ice and Legal and Policy Consequences on the
Global Community
- Observing, Modeling, and Prediction of Arctic Change

Extended abstract submission deadline: Monday, 31 January 2011.

For more information, please visit the ASSW 2011 website:

Or contact the ASSW 2011 Secretariat:
Email: info [at]

  1. Session Announcement and Call for Abstracts
    Air-Surface Interactions: Chemistry from Molecular to
    Global Climate Scales
    American Chemical Society National Meeting
    28 August - 1 September 2011
    Denver, Colorado

Organizers of a session entitled "Air-Surface Interactions: Chemistry
from Molecular to Global Climate Scales" announce a call for abstracts.
The session will be convened at the American Chemical Society National
Meeting, scheduled for 28 August - 1 September 2011 in Denver, Colorado.

Air-surface interactions are an important component of global
atmospheric and biogeochemical cycles. Various phenomena (e.g., arctic
tropospheric ozone depletion, atmospheric mercury cycling, nitrogen
cycling, and secondary aerosol formation) are mediated in part by
interactions between the atmosphere and a myriad of surfaces (e.g.,
snow, ice, aerosols, clouds, urban surfaces, vegetation, and ocean).
Advances in both laboratory and field-based measurement techniques have
increased our understanding of these processes from mechanistic to
ecosystem-wide levels. In particular, the elucidation of multi-phase
reaction rates and mechanisms has improved our understanding of the
fundamental chemistry governing atmospheric processes. These efforts
have allowed the modeling community to improve local, regional, and
global models, thus increasing our understanding of the relationships
between atmospheric heterogeneous chemistry and climate.

This session aims to bring together the diverse community of researchers
studying various aspects of air-surface chemical interactions that
impact atmospheric, biogeochemical, and climate cycles. Organizers
encourage submissions from laboratory, field, and modeling-based studies
of atmospheric heterogeneous chemistry.

Abstract submission deadline: Monday, 21 March 2011.

To submit a short (150 words or less) abstract, please go to:

For further information on this session, please contact the organizers:
Amanda Grannas
Email: amanda.grannas [at]

Kerri Pratt
Email: kapratt [at]