
Multiple Meeting Announcements

  1. Abstract Submission Deadline Extended
    17th International Sustainable Development Research Conference
    8-10 May 2011
    Columbia University, New York

  2. Symposium Announcement
    Classrooms for Climate: A Symposium on the Changing Chugach,
    Northern Ecosystems, and the Implications for Science & Society
    5-7 May 2011
    Anchorage, Alaska

  3. Meeting Announcement and Call for Presentations
    Community Earth System Model--Polar Climate Working Group Meeting
    28 February - 1 March 2011
    Boulder, Colorado

  4. Workshop Announcement
    INTIMATE: Towards High-Precision Chronologies
    7-9 February 2011
    Potsdam, Germany

  1. Abstract Submission Deadline Extended
    17th International Sustainable Development Research Conference
    8-10 May 2011
    Columbia University, New York

The abstract submission deadline for the 17th International Sustainable
Development Research Conference, entitled "Moving toward a sustainable
future: opportunities and challenges," has been extended to Monday, 17
January 2011. The conference, hosted by the Earth Institute at Columbia
University in partnership with the International Sustainable Development
Research Society, is scheduled for 8-10 May 2011 on the Morningside
Campus, Columbia University, New York.

Organizers seek contributions on the nature of the global sustainable
development challenge to solutions to the problems created by continuing
development of a growing global population. The conference will serve as
a forum for open and diverse intellectual discourse on these topics with
focus on identifying practicable steps towards a sustainable future that
are ready for implementation on the local, regional, and global scale.

The conference will explore how progress in the field of sustainable
development can be translated into political action in preparation of
the Rio+20 conference. Papers from the conference will be considered for
publication in special issues of international scientific peer reviewed
journals organized by the theme leaders and session chairs.

Extended abstract deadline: Monday, 17 January 2011.

For further information, including the conference themes, abstract
submission, and fees, please go to:

For questions, please contact the ISDRC organizing committee:
Email: ISDRC17 [at]

  1. Symposium Announcement
    Classrooms for Climate: A Symposium on the Changing Chugach,
    Northern Ecosystems, and the Implications for Science & Society
    5-7 May 2011
    Anchorage, Alaska

"Classrooms for Climate: A Symposium on the Changing Chugach, Northern
Ecosystems, and the Implications for Science & Society" will be held 5-7
May 2011 in Anchorage, Alaska. The symposium is organized by the Chugach
National Forest and the University of Alaska Anchorage (UAA) in
partnership with the Alaska Coastal Rainforest Center, Alaska
Geographic, and the Northern Forum.

The purpose of the symposium is to examine the current state of
knowledge of regional climate, natural and managed ecosystems,
socioeconomic conditions, and traditional cultural values of Alaska's
coastal forests and surrounding areas; and to create an educational
opportunity for students, agencies, and the interested public by
bringing together relevant scientists and experts to share perspectives
and insights. Elements of the conference include a public keynote
address, presented paper sessions, poster sessions, and youth
participation. The foci of this symposium are: 1) the biophysical
systems, 2) their relevance to economic and cultural values, 3) their
importance to advancing knowledge and utility for education, and 4)
policy and adaptation.

The organizing committee will consider suggestions for session themes,
including panel or workshop formats, through Friday, 21 January 2011.

Abstracts for either a short 15 to 20 minute talk or a poster
presentation will be accepted through Friday, 11 February 2011.
Submissions contributing to any of the following themes are welcome:

- Biophysical Systems (Glaciology, Wetlands, Marine, Fish and
Wildlife, Forests, Trees, Succession)
- Human Dimension of Climate: Social, cultural, economic impacts and
lessons (including environmental health and TEK)
- Education: Advancing Knowledge through Innovation and
- Policy and Partnerships: Adaptation, Best Practices, Politics &
Policy Alternatives

Session, talk, and poster submissions should include the author's name
and affiliation, official address, email address, and telephone number
along with a title and brief abstract (not to exceed 650 words).
Contributed abstracts and sessions proposals should be submitted to the
organizing committee at: climateconference [at]

Deadline for session theme submission: Friday, 21 January 2011.
Deadline for abstract submission: Friday, 11 February 2011.

Further information is available at the conference website:

  1. Meeting Announcement and Call for Presentations
    Community Earth System Model--Polar Climate Working Group Meeting
    28 February - 1 March 2011
    Boulder, Colorado

The 2011 Community Earth System Model (CESM) Polar Climate Working Group
(PCWG) Winter Meeting is scheduled for 28 February - 1 March 2011. The
meeting will be held in Boulder, Colorado at the National Center for
Atmospheric Research Mesa Laboratory.

Organizers invite presentations on all topics. If you would like to give
a short presentation about your work, please send a title to Elizabeth
Hunke (eclare [at] or Marika Holland (mholland [at] no later
than Friday, 4 February 2011. The PCWG agenda will be organized around
the topics submitted.

For further information about the Polar Climate Working Group, please go

Or contact:
David Bailey
Email: dbailey [at]

  1. Workshop Announcement
    INTIMATE: Towards High-Precision Chronologies
    7-9 February 2011
    Potsdam, Germany

A recently funded European Union COST (Cooperation in Science and
Technology) project, "Integrating Ice Core, Marine and Terrestrial
(INTIMATE) Records in the North Atlantic" (INTIMATE), announces a
workshop entitled "Towards High-Precision Chronologies." The workshop
will be convened 7-9 February 2011 in Potsdam, Germany.

The workshop aims to bring together the very best datasets to develop
common protocols and methods to reconstruct abrupt and extreme climate
changes across the full range of the European environment over the
period between 60,000 and 8,000 years ago. The goal is to better
understand the mechanisms and impact of change, and thereby reduce the
uncertainty of future prediction. Organizers are currently putting the
finishing touches to the program but full details of the meeting
including funding opportunities will be shortly posted on the INTIMATE

For those who wish to attend this and future meetings and reside in
Reciprocal Agreement Countries (Argentina, South Africa, Australia, and
New Zealand), funding is available through your national representative.
Further details can be found at:

The deadline for registration and submission of abstracts is Thursday,
13 January 2011. Applications for financial support must be submitted
with the registration.

For further information, as well as the registration and financial
support form, please click on the "Workshop (07-10/02/2011), Berlin,
Germany" link at: