
Rotator Opportunity Available
Division of Antarctic Sciences
Office of Polar Programs
National Science Foundation

For further information, please go to:

Or contact:
Lisa Clough, AISS Program Director
Email: lclough [at]

Scott Borg, Director, Division of Antarctic Sciences
Email: sborg [at]

The Division of Antarctic Sciences in the Office of Polar Programs at
NSF is seeking an outstanding scientist to assist in research program
management through an assignment under the Intergovernmental Personnel
Act (IPA). The incumbent will manage the Antarctic Integrated System
Science (AISS) program, overseeing several complex interdisciplinary
projects as well as managing the merit review process for new proposals
submitted to the AISS program.

Ongoing interdisciplinary research projects include the Pine Island
Glacier (PIG) project; the Larsen Ice Shelf System, Antarctica (LARISSA)
project; and the Whillans Ice Stream Subglacial Access and Research
Drilling (WISSARD) project. The AISS program also jointly considers and
supports proposals with other programs within the Division and in other
parts of the Foundation. The emphasis on the Antarctic as a system
results in opportunities to work closely with other Program Officers in
the Division for possible joint support of projects.

All Program Directors in the Division of Antarctic Sciences are expected
to serve as the NSF Science Representative in Antarctica for a period of
time each year, usually 4-5 weeks. Additional ancillary duties may
include representing the Office of Polar Programs in NSF Cross
Directorate activities, including areas such as Education and Outreach,
Climate Research Investments, and Partnerships for International
Research and Education.

The successful candidate will have experience with interdisciplinary
science, including the management challenges presented by such projects.
Current AISS projects include components of Glaciology, Earth Sciences,
Atmospheric and Ocean Sciences, and Organisms and Ecosystems. As such
the successful candidate is expected to work with all the ANT Program
Directors in an effective manner. Interdisciplinary projects often
involve international collaborations, so the AISS Program Director will
be expected to facilitate international partnerships where appropriate
as well.

The successful candidate will have a PhD, and currently hold the rank of
Associate Professor with Tenure (or equivalent) or above. The successful
candidate is expected to start during early summer 2011.

Interested scientists should submit a letter and other application
materials to the Director, Division of Antarctic Sciences, in accordance
with a Dear Colleague Letter announcing rotator program director
opportunities within the Office of Polar Programs. See: Please refer
to this announcement and Dear Colleague Letter OPP10001 when applying.

For further information, please go to:

Or contact:
Lisa Clough, AISS Program Director
Email: lclough [at]

Scott Borg, Director, Division of Antarctic Sciences
Email: sborg [at]