
Multiple Conference Announcements and Calls for Abstracts

  1. 17th International Sustainable Development Research Conference
    8-10 May 2011
    Columbia University, New York

  2. Interdisciplinary Climate Change Research Symposium
    22-29 October 2011
    Colorado Springs, Colorado

  3. 43rd Liege Colloquium on Ocean Dynamics
    2-6 May 2011
    Liege, Belgium

  1. 17th International Sustainable Development Research Conference
    8-10 May 2011
    Columbia University, New York

Organizers of the 17th Annual International Sustainable Development
Research Conference (ISDRC), entitled "Moving toward a sustainable
future: opportunities and challenges," announce a call for abstracts.
The conference, hosted by the Earth Institute at Columbia University in
partnership with the International Sustainable Development Research
Society, is scheduled for 8-10 May 2011 on the Morningside Campus,
Columbia University, New York.

Organizers seek contributions on the nature of the global sustainable
development challenge ranging from investigations of fundamental
pressures on the natural and socioeconomic systems in a developing world
and limits of Earth to support further development, to solutions to the
problems created by continuing development of a growing global
population. The conference will serve as a forum for open and diverse
intellectual discourse on these topics with focus on identifying
practicable steps towards a sustainable future that are ready for
implementation on the local, regional, and global scale.

Papers from the conference will be considered for publication in special
issues of international scientific peer reviewed journals organized by
the theme leaders and session chairs.

Abstract submission deadline: Wednesday, 15 December 2010.

For further information please go to:

Or contact the ISDRC organizing committee:
Email: ISDRC17 [at]

  1. Interdisciplinary Climate Change Research Symposium
    22-29 October 2011
    Colorado Springs, Colorado

Organizers of a symposium entitled "Interdisciplinary Climate Change
Research Symposium" announce a call for abstracts and applications. This
symposium is for early-career climate change researchers. The symposium
is hosted by Dissertations Initiative for the Advancement of Climate
Change Research (DISCCRS), and is scheduled for 22-29 October 2011 in
Colorado Springs, Colorado.

This symposium will provide 30 invited DISCCRS Scholars the opportunity
to present research, hone interdisciplinary communication and
teambuilding skills, discuss emerging research and trends, and talk
about societal and professional challenges involved in climate change
research with established researchers invited to serve as mentors.
Participation is limited to 30 early-career PhD scholars. Airfare and
on-site expenses are supported through grants from NSF and NASA.

Applicants must have completed their PhD requirements between 1 April
2008 and 28 February 2011. The selection committee will favor applicants
who plan to engage in interdisciplinary research careers in any subject
relevant to the study of climate change, its impacts, or its solutions.
The emphasis is on the U.S. research system; applicants from all
countries who are interested in learning about the U.S. research system
or connecting with U.S. researchers are welcome to apply.

Application Deadline: 1 March 2011.

For further detail on Symposium application instructions, please see:

For further information about the Symposium, please view the DISCCRS
poster at:

  1. 43rd Liege Colloquium on Ocean Dynamics
    2-6 May 2011
    Liege, Belgium

Organizers of the 43rd Liege Colloquium on Ocean Dynamics, entitled
"Tracers of physical and biogeochemical processes, past changes, and
ongoing anthropogenic impacts," announce a call for abstracts. The
colloquium is scheduled for 2-6 May 2011 in Liege, Belgium.

This colloquium will investigate new developments related to tracers and
proxies (e.g., temperature, salinity, gases, and isotopes) with a
particular attention on the use of Trace Elements and Isotopes (TEI) as
oceanographic tools to:

- Describe physical processes;
- Quantify production and carbon export, energy transfer, and
trophic pathways;
- Understand the role of limiting micronutrients regulating
ecosystem production and structure;
- Reconstruct past ocean conditions; and
- Study transport and fate of anthropogenic inputs and pollutants.

Selected papers will be published in a special issue of the Journal of
Marine Systems.

Abstract submission deadline: Sunday, 16 January 2011.

To submit an abstract, please go to:

For further information about this colloquium, registration, and
deadlines, please see: