
Career Development Webinar
Gaining Momentum: Women in Polar Research
Association of Polar Early Career Scientists
Arctic System Science Thermokarst Project
Tuesday, 19 October 2010 at 5:00 p.m. GMT

For further information, please go to:

For questions or to reserve a spot for the webinar, please email:
webinars [at]

The Association of Polar Early Career Scientists (APECS) is hosting a
Career Development Webinar Series, with online presentations held
Tuesdays at 5:00 p.m. GMT (9:00 a.m. AKDT, 10 a.m. PDT, 11:00 a.m. MDT,
12:00 p.m. CDT, 1:00 p.m. EDT, 7:00 p.m. in Norway). The full list of
presentations is available at:

This week's webinar (on Tuesday, 19 October 2010) is entitled "Gaining
Momentum: Women in Polar Research." The discussion will be lead by Jenny
Baeseman, Founding Director of APECS, together with mentors Michelle
Mack (University of Florida) and Elena Sparrow (University of Alaska).

Polar research may be a historically male-dominated field, but women are
gaining momentum and more are becoming leaders in their field, in
international organizations, and lead PIs on projects and cruises. As
early career researchers, many young women are taking on key leadership
roles in APECS and other committees and projects as well as producing
outstanding research. However, there are many things that are unique to
women working in some of the most remote areas of the planet. This
webinar will be an open discussion to begin to identify the issues that
are unique to women with polar science careers.

If you are interested in sharing your ideas and comments, you are
welcome to join the list of speakers and commentators. Please send a few
short sentences on the questions/comments you would like to address to
webinars [at] and we will add you to the list as well as help you
test your microphone system before the webinar so the discussion can
progress smoothly.

The webinar will be available to 30 participants, and space is expected
to fill up quickly. To reserve a spot in the webinar, please send an
email to: webinars [at] Any remaining spots will be available on a
first come, first serve basis.

Adobe Connect Pro software will be used to conduct the Career
Development webinars. The software requires that Abode Flash Player be
installed on participants' computers. If your computer does not already
have Adobe Flash, please install it at:

To log into the Career Development webinar, please go to: Enter as a guest by typing in a
name (first name, last name, and institution preferred) and clicking the
'Enter Room' button.

If you have not participated in a webinar before, a tutorial is
available at:
Click on the "Video Tutorial on Joining an APECS Virtual Poster
Session." The webinar interface and instructions for the Virtual Poster
Sessions are the same for the Career Development series.

This webinar series is a collaborative effort between APECS, the
University of Canterbury, and the U.S. National Science Foundation (NSF)
Arctic System Science (ARCSS) Thermokarst Project.

For further information, please go to:

For questions or to reserve a spot for the webinar, please email:
webinars [at]