
Multiple Newsletters Available

  1. IASC Progress, Fall 2010
    International Arctic Science Committee

  2. SCAR Newsletter: Issue 24, September 2010
    Scientific Committee on Antarctic Research

  3. Etudes/Inuit/Studies
    Volume 33, Numbers 1 and 2, 2009

  1. IASC Progress, Fall 2010
    International Arctic Science Committee

The International Arctic Science Committee (IASC) announces that the
fall issue of IASC Progress is available at:
Highlights include:

- The Arctic Science Summit Week (ASSW) 2011 in Seoul
- IPY 2012 Montreal: From Knowledge to Action
- The State of the Arctic Coast Report
- Polar Information Commons

To download the newsletter, please go to:

For further information, please contact:
Mare Pit
Email: Mare.Pit [at]

  1. SCAR Newsletter: Issue 24, September 2010
    Scientific Committee on Antarctic Research

The Scientific Committee on Antarctic Research (SCAR) announces that
Issue 24 (September 2010) of the SCAR Newsletter is available at: Contents

- New SCAR Action Group on Ocean Acidification
- Professor Helen Fricker awarded the 2010 Martha T Muse Prize for
Science and Policy in Antarctica
- Southern Ocean Observing System (SOOS) plan available for
community comment
- Antarctica's Adolescence
- The Antarctic Centennial Year (ACY) 2011-2012 in Hobart, Tasmania

To view the newsletter, please go to:

  1. Etudes/Inuit/Studies
    Volume 33, Numbers 1 and 2, 2009

"Etudes/Inuit/Studies" is a biannual scholarly journal that has been
published since 1977. The journal is devoted to the study of Inuit
societies, either traditional or contemporary, in the general
perspective of social sciences and humanities (ethnology, politics,
archaeology, linguistics, history, etc.). In addition to a number of
articles, each volume contains book reviews, a list of scientific
events, and annual reviews of recent theses and articles published in
other journals.

Volume 33 (1-2), "Education and Transmission of Inuit Knowledge in
Canada," is now available. A list of contents follows.

- Education and transmission of Inuit knowledge in Canada by
Frederic Laugrand and Jarich Oosten (pages 21-34)
- "It's like they have two parents": Consequences of the
inconsistent socialisation of Inuit children by Anne S. Douglas
(pages 35-54)
- Eurocentric roadblocks to school change in Nunavut by Paul Berger
(pages 55-76)
- Culturally relevant schooling in Nunavut: Views of secondary
school educators by M. Lynn Aylward (pages 77-93)
- Protecting embers to light the qulliit of Inuit learning in
Nunavut communities by Joanne Tompkins, Alexander McAuley, and Fiona
Walton (pages 95-113)
- Transfer of Inuit qaujimajatuqangit in modern Inuit society by
Frederic Laugrand and Jarich Oosten (pages 115-131)
- Inuit perspectives on sustaining bilingualism in Nunavut by
Shelley Tulloch, Quluaq Pilakapsi, Monica Shouldice, Kim Crockatt,
Cayla Chenier, and Janet Onalik (pages 133-152)
- Inuit education in Alberta and Nunavik (Canada) by Michelle
Daveluy (pages 173-190)
- The influence of family history on learning opportunities of
Inuvialuit youth by Raila Salokangas and Brenda Parlee (pages

Book Reviews
- Badten, Linda Womkon, Vera O. Kaneshiro, Marie Oovi, and
Christopher Koonooka, "St. Lawrence Island / Siberian Yupik Eskimo
Dictionary" by Louis-Jacques Dorais (pages 261-262)
- Duhaime, Gerard and Nick Bernard (eds), "Arctic food security" by
Joanna Kafarowski (pages 263-265)
- Eber, Dorothy Harley, "Encounters on the Passgae: Inuit meet the
explorers" by H.G. Jones (pages 265-266)
- Fienup-Riordan, Ann, "Yuungnaqpiallerput. The Way We Genuinely
Live. Masterworks of Yup'ik Science and Survival" by Marie-Pierre
Gadoua (pages 266-269)
- Laugrand, Frederic and Jarich Oosten, "The Sea Woman: Sedna in
Inuit Shamanism and Art in the Eastern Arctic" by Emily E. Auger
(pages 269-272)
- Sontag, Natascha, "The Inuit Language in Inuit Communities in
Canada" by Frederic Laugrand (pages 272-273)

Survey of Periodicals
- pages 275-282

Survey of Dissertations
- pages 283-293

Scientific Information
- pages 295-296

For further information, please go to: