
PhD Workshop Available
Young Scientist Forum
23 January - 2 February 2011
Tromso, Norway

Application deadline: Monday, 1 November 2010.

For further information, please go to:

Or contact:
Matias Langgaard Madsen
Email: matias.madsen [at]

Parallel to the Arctic Frontiers Conference 2011
(, the Association of Polar Early
Career Scientists (APECS) and the ARCTOS PhD School will organize an
international workshop for PhD students and postdoctoral researchers
interested in research and development in the pan-arctic region. The
workshop will be held from 23 January through 2 February 2011.

During the workshop (which will take place in Tromso, on the coastal
steamer Hurtigruten and in Svolaer, Lofoten), participants will work in
groups on subjects related to the topics of the Arctic Frontiers
Conference: "Arctic Tipping Points." Senior scientists from the ARCTOS
PhD School and invited speakers from the conference will be present to
ensure a good dialogue and progress in the discussions. The final
project/evaluation of the workshop will be oral presentations and mentor
feedback on a group research proposal written during the workshop.

This is an approved PhD level course (BIO-8512 -- 2 ECTS) at the
University of Tromso, and consists of the conference itself plus an
intensive 5 days seminar after the conference. Workshop participants
must give a presentation (oral/poster) at the Arctic Frontiers
Conference 2011 and follow both the political and science sections of
the conference, in addition to participating in the five-day seminar
after the conference. The conference fee for workshop participants is
NOK 1500, which includes lunch during the conference.

ARCTOS can offer travel grants for up to 20 PhD students and
postdoctoral fellows. The grant will cover airfare (cheapest possible
ticket, limited to NOK 5000 for US / Canada, NOK 3000 Europe, and NOK
4000 Russia) and basic accommodation in Tromso (including breakfast).

The deadline for applications for the workshop AND travel grants is
Monday, 1 November 2010. ArcticNet, APECS, ARCTOS, and PanAME
associated young researchers are especially welcome to apply.

To apply, please send a current curriculum vitae, short statement of
your research interests and how they relate to the workshop topic,
detailed travel budget, and the title and abstract of the poster/oral
presentation you submitted. Applicants should indicate whether they will
formally register for the course BIO-8512. Priority will be given to
students that formally register to take the course and to students who
have not participated in previous Young Scientist Forums. Applications
for the workshop and travel grants should be emailed to Matias Langgaard
Madsen (matias.madsen [at]

All students must also register for the conference through the online
registration on the AFT-2011 homepage (
and sign up for a poster/oral presentation under Part III at the Arctic
Frontiers Conference (abstract deadline Monday, 25 October 2010).

For further information, please click on 'Read more' under "PhD workshop
YSF/APECS 2011" at:

Or contact:
Matias Langgaard Madsen
Email: matias.madsen [at]