
New 3D Visualization, Analysis, and Collaboration Tool
Arctic Research Mapping Application (ARMAP)

The website is available at:

For further information, please contact:
Robbie Score
Email: robbie [at]

The Arctic Research Mapping Application (ARMAP) is a suite of online,
interactive maps and services that support arctic science. Released
from beta, ARMAP 3D is a new virtual globe for visualization and
analysis of map layers in three dimensions, optimized for high
latitudes. With high-resolution imagery, a variety of basemaps, and
more functionality, it is fast and intuitive yet more powerful than
Google Earth.

With ARMAP 3D, you can:
- Navigate to your area of interest;
- Get information on over 1000 active research projects;
- Browse in the 3D viewer, or search by investigator, year,
discipline, etc.; and
- Work with your own data, or with data layers distributed across
the internet.

ARMAP 3D is free, includes tutorials and online help, and utilizes
ArcGIS Explorer for Windows. Other resources at include
a browser-based 2D mapping application, ARMAP in Google Earth, and a
variety of spatial datasets customized for arctic research.

ARMAP is funded by the National Science Foundation's Office of Polar
Programs, and is a collaborative effort among the Systems Ecology
Laboratory at the University of Texas at El Paso, Nuna Technologies, the
Institute of Arctic and Alpine Research (INSTAAR) Quaternary GIS
Laboratory, and CH2M HILL Polar Services. Comments are appreciated at:
info [at]

The website is available at:

For further information, please contact:
Robbie Score
Email: robbie [at]