
Two PhD Positions Available
Geological Survey of Norway
Trondheim, Norway

Application deadline: 15 August 2010

For further information, please go to:

Or contact:
Jochen Knies
Email: jochen.knies [at]

Applications are invited for a European Union (EU) funded PhD program at
the Geological Survey of Norway (NGU), including secondments to
industrial and university partners. Two positions based in Trondheim,
Norway, are available starting in October 2010. Each position is for
three years' duration.

The project forms part of the EU funded Marie Curie Initial Training
Network and is entitled "CASE -- The Changing Arctic and Sub-Arctic
Environment: A research and training programme on marine biotic
indicators of recent climate changes in the high latitudes of the North
Atlantic." For further information, please go to:

Project 1
One position focuses on bulk organic matter proxies to reconstruct
surface water productivity changes during Holocene climate variability.
The successful candidate will investigate the geochemical and
sedimentological signatures of the sediments in the Trondheimfjorden

Project 2
The other position focuses on the controlling mechanisms for organic
matter sedimentation and preservation in the Barents Sea. The successful
candidate will investigate the geochemical and sedimentological
properties of recent and Holocene sediments, reconstruct surface water
paleoproductivity changes, and study the organic carbon storage capacity
of the Barents Sea shelf.

The projects will be carried out in close collaboration with industrial
partners (e.g. - Iso Analytical Ltd., AvaaTech X-ray Technology BV) and
the Universities of Bordeaux, Plymouth, Amsterdam, Kiel, and Tromso. The
analytical part of the work will take place in cooperation with the
University of Bordeaux and Iso Analytical Ltd., and will include the
opportunity to work with the local team. The modelling section of
Project 2 will take place in cooperation with SINTEF Petroleum Research
in Trondheim.

Applicants to either position must hold a Master's of Science or
equivalent in marine geology and/or marine geochemistry, and an
appropriate education in physical sciences with an appropriate
qualification in the English language. Experience in the use of
Geographical Information Systems (GIS) and visualization tools, and in
seismic interpretation, is desirable.

Application deadline: 15 August 2010.

For further information, including specifics on applying, please go to:

Or contact:
Jochen Knies
Email: jochen.knies [at]