
Call for Entries
International Science and Engineering Visualization Challenge
National Science Foundation
American Association for the Advancement of Science

Entry deadline: 15 September 2010

For further information, please go to:

The 2010 International Science and Engineering Visualization Challenge
is co-sponsored by the National Science Foundation (NSF) and the journal
Science, published by the American Association for the Advancement of
Science (AAAS).

In a world where science literacy is dismayingly rare, illustrations
provide the most immediate and influential connection between scientists
and other citizens, and the best hope for nurturing popular interest.
Indeed, they are now a necessity for public understanding of research
developments. NSF and the journal Science created the International
Science and Engineering Visualization Challenge to celebrate that grand
tradition--and to encourage its continued growth. The spirit of the
competition is for communicating science, engineering, and technology
for education and journalistic purposes.

Judges appointed by NSF and Science will select winners in each of five
categories: Photography, Illustrations, Informational Posters and
Graphics, Interactives Games, and Non-Interactive Media. Winning entries
will be published in a February 2011 issue of the journal Science, and
will be featured on Science Online and on NSF's website. One winning
entry will appear on the front cover of Science.

Entry deadline: 15 September 2010.

For further information, please go to: