
Graduate Fellowship Opportunity
Prince William Sound Oil Spill Recovery Institute

Application deadline: Wednesday, 30 June 2010

For further information, please download:

The Prince William Sound Oil Spill Recovery Institute (OSRI) in Cordova,
Alaska annually awards graduate fellowships. In 2010, OSRI is soliciting
one new proposal for a graduate research fellowship.

The OSRI funds are provided to support research projects that will
enhance scientific understanding of the marine ecosystem, provide
information needed by managers and decision-makers for oil spill
response and recovery, and improve public awareness and understanding of
marine and estuarine ecosystems. The OSRI Graduate Research Fellowship
(GRF) Program offers qualified masters and doctoral students the
opportunity to address scientific questions of significance to high
latitude cold climate regions.

New fellowships will be made available on a competitive basis to
students admitted to or enrolled in a full-time masters or doctoral
program at an accredited college or university. Fellowships may be
funded for up to two years for masters or three years for doctoral level
research. Students completing this time period may reapply for
additional funding, but their proposal will be evaluated as a new
proposal. The current award amount is $25,000 per year; funding may be
used for tuition and research related expenses. There is a 25% match

Application deadline: Wednesday, 30 June 2010.

For a complete explanation of the OSRI graduate student fellowship
program and application procedures, please download:

For detailed information about OSRI, see: