
Multiple Meeting Announcements

  1. Call for Papers
    Ecosystems 2010: Global Progress on Ecosystem-Based Fisheries
    8-11 November 2010
    Anchorage, Alaska

  2. Session Proposals Invited
    American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting
    13-17 December 2010
    San Francisco, California

  3. Call for Papers, Science Section
    Arctic Frontiers 2011
    23-29 January 2011
    Tromso, Norway

  1. Call for Papers
    Ecosystems 2010: Global Progress on Ecosystem-Based Fisheries
    8-11 November 2010
    Anchorage, Alaska

The 26th Lowell Wakefield Fisheries Symposium, entitled "Ecosystems
2010: Global Progress on Ecosystem-Based Fisheries Management," will be
held 8-11 November 2010 in Anchorage, Alaska.

The goals of Ecosystems 2010 are to evaluate global progress toward
Ecosystem-Based Fisheries Management (EBFM) by reviewing regional case
studies, development of new analytical tools, and practical approaches
toward future progress; and to offer explicit, practical advice for
future progress in EBFM implementation. The symposium will bring
together fishery scientists, managers, and stakeholders from around the
world to share insights into the current status and future prospects of

Oral presentations and posters are invited on the following topics:

- Progress on regional applications of ecosystem-based management
and fishery ecosystem plans, including identification of operational
objectives (e.g. - conservation, social, economic) and eco-regions.
- New analytical tools (e.g. - strategic vs. tactical models, risk
assessment, integrated ecosystem assessments).
- Evaluations of the utility of ecosystem indicators and empirical
information needed to support EBFM.
- Human dimensions of EBFM including successful stakeholder
processes, and different perspectives on ecosystem approaches.
- Case studies and practical solutions (e.g. - zoning, marine
protected areas).

Abstracts are due no later than Friday, 4 June 2010 and must be
submitted online.

For further information or to submit an abstract, please click on the
'Call for papers' link at:

  1. Session Proposals Invited
    American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting
    13-17 December 2010
    San Francisco, California

The American Geophysical Union (AGU) is currently accepting proposals
for the 2010 Fall Meeting. The meeting will be held 13-17 December 2010
in San Francisco, California.

Proposals may be submitted to only one discipline. Conveners may
identify other sections/focus groups as potential session cosponsors.
Proposals must focus on scientific results and/or their applications,
and session descriptions must concisely define the science issue,
explain why it is topical, and describe what types of abstracts are
being solicited. Further details on submitting a session proposal are
available at:

In 2010, AGU is encouraging a higher level of focus for submissions to
the cryosphere focus group. Proposals should concentrate on a specific
division of cryosphere research (e.g. - permafrost, sea ice, seasonal
snow, glaciers and ice sheets) with emphasis on processes or regionally
focused research. Organizers suggest that this year, session proposals
should be creative, avoiding direct repeats from previous years and
overly broad, unfocused sessions. Allocation of oral presentations is
strictly based on submission numbers, thus proposed sessions should be
broad enough to attract many abstracts (if oral presentations are
desired) but specific enough to captivate an audience through an entire

Session proposal deadline: Thursday, 27 May 2010.

For further information, please go to:

  1. Call for Papers, Science Section
    Arctic Frontiers 2011
    23-29 January 2011
    Tromso, Norway

The scientific section of Arctic Frontiers (AFT) 2011 announces a call
for papers. AFT will hold its fifth annual conference, entitled "Arctic
Tipping Points," in Tromso, Norway from 23-29 January 2011.

The scientific section of AFT 2011, scheduled for 26-28 January 2011, is
entitled "The Arctic in the Earth System perspective: the role of
tipping points" and will be divided into three parts:
- A joint and multi disciplinary day with ten invited speakers,
ending with a panel and plenum debate;
- Four parallel sessions (included a poster session); and
- A summary session ending with a plenum debate.

The parallel sessions address four connected, interwoven, and
interdisciplinary themes:
- Sea ice and oceanographic perspectives;
- Marine ecosystems and fisheries;
- Socioeconomic and institutional perspectives; and
- People of the North.

Interested scientists are invited to submit abstracts to one of these
four sessions for both oral and poster presentations.

Abstract submission deadline: 25 October 2010.

For further information, please download the complete call for papers