
Multiple Meeting Announcements

  1. Workshop Announcement
    6th Antarctic Peninsula Climate Change
    22-23 July 2010
    Leeds, United Kingdom

  2. Preliminary Program and Registration Available
    2nd Workshop on Hyperspectral Image and Signal Processing
    14-16 June 2010
    Reykjavik, Iceland

  1. Workshop Announcement
    6th Antarctic Peninsula Climate Change
    22-23 July 2010
    Leeds, United Kingdom

Organizers announce that the School of Earth and Environment will host
the 6th international workshop on Antarctic Peninsula Climate Change
(APCC). The meeting will be convened 22-23 July 2010.

The meeting will include presentations of recent climatological,
oceanographic, environmental, and glaciological research in the
Antarctic Peninsula. A primary objective of the meeting is to synthesize
current knowledge and research on each of the cryosphere, atmosphere,
and hydrosphere systems as well as the feedback mechanism between each
system. The meeting will also be a chance to discuss future directions
of research and collaborative projects.

The meeting will consist of keynote lectures, contributed talks, poster
sessions, and breakout sessions for collaborative field research
planning. The 2010 APCC workshop website will soon be available, and
will contain further details.

For additional information, please contact:
Noel Gourmelen
Email: n.gourmelen [at]

  1. Preliminary Program and Registration Available
    2nd Workshop on Hyperspectral Image and Signal Processing
    14-16 June 2010
    Reykjavik, Iceland

Organizers of the 2nd Workshop on Hyperspectral Image and Signal
Processing - Evolution in Remote Sensing (WHISPERS 2010) announce the
availability of registration and a preliminary program. The workshop
will be held in Reykjavik, Iceland from 14-16 June 2010.

The aim of WHISPERS 2010 is to gather the different communities dealing
with hyperspectral data, from biomedical applications or microscopic
spectroscopy to airborne or satellite remote sensing, monitoring of the
environment, defense related issues, planetary exploration, and
astrophysics. All of these communities have to deal with similar issues:
sensor design and calibration, dimension reduction, feature extraction,
unmixing, anomaly detection, data analysis in very high dimensional
spaces, and data compression or visualization. A fruitful
cross-fertilization is expected between the different communities, from
the real-life applications to the most advanced theoretical issues. The
preliminary program can be downloaded at:

The deadline for early registration rates is Saturday, 1 May 2010. The
registration fee includes access to all the technical sessions, an
icebreaker, three lunches, and a banquet dinner. Additional details on
the registration are available at:

Early Registration Deadline: Saturday, 1 May 2010.

For further information, please visit the conference website:

Or email:
info [at]