
Faculty and Student Summer Research Opportunities
Arctic and Mountain Sciences
Juneau Icefield Research Program, SE Alaska
28 June - 22 August 2010

Application deadline: Saturday, 1 May 2010

For further information, please go to:

Or contact:
Gary Linder
Email: gerhardmlinder [at]
Phone: 586-822-6330

The Juneau Icefield Research Program, SE Alaska, announces a faculty and
student research opportunity in arctic and mountain sciences. The summer
2010 program runs from 28 June to 22 August.

Under new leadership, the summer program emphasizes fieldwork in Earth
Systems Science--the total systems inter-relationship of field geology,
environmental geology, alpine geomorphology, ecology, geobotony,
geophysics, glaciology, remote sensing, meteorology, and surveying with
an emphasis on climatic change. Participants take part in an intensive
summer arctic expeditionary program on the Juneau Icefield, the fifth
largest icefield in the Western Hemisphere.

Numerous research sites are available ranging from high alpine woodland
to full arctic. Base camps are staffed with experienced personnel.
Participating faculty are provided with full room and board, helicopter
flight into and out of the field, ground transportation while in the
field, and access to highly qualified field assistants. Travel
assistance may be available. Due to logistical considerations, faculty
members are requested to be available for a minimum of three weeks.

College credit is available through the University of Alaska at both the
graduate and undergraduate level. The student field fee is $4,800. A
limited number of partial scholarships are available for graduate,
undergraduate, and high aptitude high school students.

Application deadline: Saturday, 1 May 2010.

Additional information and application instructions are available at:

For an immediate reply to general questions, please contact:
Gary Linder
Email: gerhardmlinder [at]
Phone: 586-822-6330