
Multiple Meeting Announcements

  1. Extended Deadline
    Call for Participation and Applications from Young Researchers
    Northern Research Forum 6th Open Assembly
    24-27 October 2010
    Oslo and Kirkenes, Norway

  2. Travel Grant Opportunity
    SCAR Open Science Conference
    3-6 August 2010
    Buenos Aires, Argentina

  3. Session Announcement and Call for Abstracts
    Antarctic Climate and Links to the Rest of the Globe
    SCAR Open Science Conference
    3-6 August 2010
    Buenos Aires, Argentina

  1. Extended Deadline
    Call for Participation and Applications from Young Researchers
    Northern Research Forum 6th Open Assembly
    24-27 October 2010
    Oslo and Kirkenes, Norway

Organizers of the Northern Research Forum (NRF) 6th Open Assembly - Our
Ice Dependent World announce that the deadline for applications from
young researchers has been extended to Tuesday, 6 April 2010. The NRF
Assembly will be held on 24-27 October 2010 in Oslo and Kirkenes,

The theme "Our Ice Dependent World" is meant to address the impact of
dwindling ice--terrestrial as well as ocean bound--on the complex
interface of nature and society in all climatic zones of the world. In
light of man-made aspects of climate change, the natural phenomena of
ice are gradually becoming a concept of global politics affecting
societal life in dramatic ways on a global scale. The 6th NRF Open
Assembly will focus on the interrelationships of human and environmental
dimensions of ice in a global context, and particularly in the Arctic,
the Antarctic, and the Himalayans. Discussions are expected to highlight
the role of research, the social relevance of science, and community in
addressing the issues globally. For further information on the program,
please click on the 'NRF 6th Open Assembly Thematic Program' link in the
'What's New' box at:

Young researchers and professionals who meet one of the following
requirements are eligible to receive full or partial travel funding from
the NRF in order to participate in the Open Assembly:

- Individual has completed a Master's degree in the past 2-3 years,
and plans to complete a doctoral degree;
- Individual is a current terminal degree student (e.g. PhD, JD); or
- Individual is a postdoctoral student/professional, no more than
five years past terminal degree completion.

Further information, including the application form, is available on the
NRF website at: To access the application please
click on the 'NRF Young Researchers Call for Participation' link in the
'NRF Calendar' box.

Extended Application Deadline: Tuesday, 6 April 2010.

For further information, please go to:

Or email the NRF Secretariat at:
nrf [at]

  1. Travel Grant Opportunity
    SCAR Open Science Conference
    3-6 August 2010
    Buenos Aires, Argentina

U.S. faculty, researchers, and students are invited to apply for
financial assistance to attend the Scientific Committee on Antarctic
Research (SCAR) Open Science Conference, scheduled for 3-6 August 2010
in Buenos Aires, Argentina. Young investigators, students, and members
of underrepresented groups are especially encouraged to apply for

The conference theme is "Antarctica: Witness to the Past, Guide to the
Future." More than 53 potential sessions have been identified in the
preliminary program. It is expected that travel grant recipients will
present either an oral or poster presentation. For details about the
conference go to the web site:

Additional details and the application form are available by clicking on
the 'Travel Grants' link in the sidebar at: You will need to download the Word
document entitled 'US Travel Grants - How to Apply and Application
Form.' The form must be emailed to Chuck Kennicutt (kennicutt [at]
no later than Thursday, 15 April 2010.

Funds for this opportunity are provided by the National Science
Foundation (NSF) Office of Polar Programs (OPP).

Application Deadline: Thursday, 15 April 2010.

For further information, please go to:

  1. Session Announcement and Call for Abstracts
    Antarctic Climate and Links to the Rest of the Globe
    SCAR Open Science Conference
    3-6 August 2010
    Buenos Aires, Argentina

Organizers of a session entitled "Antarctic climate and links to the
rest of the globe" announce a call for abstracts. The session will be
convened at the Scientific Committee on Antarctic Research (SCAR) Open
Science Conference, scheduled for 3-6 August 2010 in Buenos Aires,

The session will showcase results from modeling and observational
studies of Antarctic climate variability and change (including
atmospheric, cryospheric, and oceanographic), their connections with
lower-latitude drivers, and their impact on hemispheric and
planetary-scale climate. Scientists at all career stages are encouraged
to contribute, including students and early-career researchers.

Abstract Submission Deadline: Thursday, 1 April 2010.

Additional information on the conference, including abstract submission
details, are available at: