
PhD Student Position Available
Subglacial Hydrology of the West Greenland Ice Sheet
Uppsala University
Uppsala, Sweden

Application deadline: Friday, 26 March 2010

Full details on the application process are available at:

For further information, please contact:
Rickard Pettersson
Email: rickard.pettersson [at]

Uppsala University seeks a PhD student to work on a project aimed at
improving the understanding of the subglacial hydrology conditions and
processes beneath a land-terminating sector of the West Greenland ice
sheet. The position will be based in Uppsala, Sweden.

The successful candidate will study spatial variability of subglacial
hydrology/thermal zonation by using ground penetrating radar surveys,
and correlate these properties with measured ice flow and melt-water
production at the surface to get a better understanding of the influence
of basal hydrology on ice sheet dynamics at a regional scale. Detailed
local experiments around moulins and supraglacial lakes to study
englacial and subglacial water pathways will also be possible. The PhD
candidate will take an active role in planning and conducting fieldwork
during three field campaigns on the Greenland ice sheet as well as
maintain and develop new equipment.

This PhD project is part of a larger multidisciplinary project aimed at
collecting field data to develop an integrated understanding of the
interactions between the ice sheet hydrology, bedrock hydrology, and
bedrock geochemistry to significantly improve our understanding of
hydrogeological and hydrogeochemical processes associated with glacial
periods. The PhD candidate will collaborate and share data with other
PhD candidates and researchers within the project.

The successful candidate should hold a Bachelor's or Master's degree or
equivalent in the earth or physical sciences. A background in physics,
geophysics, or engineering is desirable. Experience of glaciological
fieldwork is a strong merit. Applicants should be interested in
communicating their work, and cooperative ability is important. Priority
is given to those who are deemed to show the greatest aptitude for a
successful completion of graduate studies. Please visit and for information about
Uppsala University and the Department of Earth Sciences.

Application deadline: Friday, 26 March 2010.

Full details on the application process are available at:

For further information, please contact:
Rickard Pettersson
Email: rickard.pettersson [at]